Robert Neale
(Mount Clemens, Michigan: 23rd June 1929 - )
Inspired at age 8 seeing Tarbell doing Eyeless Vision. Professor of Psychiatry and Theology at Union Theological Seminary 1962-86. Ordained minister of the Church of Christ. Amateur magician, puzzler, and origami expert. Specializes in topological magic. Invented Bunny Bill (1964), Trapdoor Card (1983), Six Card Swindle (1984), Off the Barrelhead (1986), Whatsabox (1991), etc.
Wrote Transactions (1971), Six Card Swindle (1985, 23pp), More on the Six Card Swindle (.....), Three Magic Arrows (1991, 10pp), Whatsabox (1991, 7pp), More Than Lecture Notes #1 (1991, 16pp) and #2 (1991, 20pp), Tricks of the Imagination (1991, 215pp), Magic and Meaning (1995, 200pp, with Eugene Burger), Folding Money Fooling (1997), Life, Death and Other Card Tricks (2000, 414pp). Tricks in Pallbearers, Epilogue, New Pentagram, Ibidem, Mentalwise, Genii, and Magic. Columnist in Linking Ring 1993-98.