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Robin Robertson

Robin Robertson

Robin Robertson has spent a life-time bridging the worlds of psychology, science, business and the arts. He's a clinical psychologist, university professor and writer. He teaches psychology on-line to graduate level students as an Associate Professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Before becoming a psychologist, he was a vice-president of software development for a large insurance company, and for the last twenty years, he's been a consultant on all matters dealing with computers to a multi-employer pension plan. He has separate undergraduate degrees in mathematics and English literature, as well as an M.A. in counseling psychology, and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology.

Robin's books, often on Jungian psychology or the relationship between psychology and science, have gone through multiple printings, new editions, and foreign translations. Since 1986, he's been a writer, editor, columnist and editorial board member of the Jungian journal Psychological Perspectives (a beautiful journal that speaks not merely to specialists, but to everyone who loves Jung.)

He has also been heavily involved with the applications of chaos theory in psychology as a writer, editor, speaker, and officer of the "Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and the Life Sciences." And, in more recent years, he's been a consulting editor and contributor for the cybernetics journal Cybernetics and Human Knowing (a journal that looks at deep issues about the nature of reality).

He is a life-time amateur magician, and a member of the Order of Merlin of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, who has published six magic books and many original effects, in recent years often collaborating with the clever Scottish magician, Peter Duffie. Most recently, Robin and Peter have been joined by the well-known Italian magician, Aldo Colombini.

Coauthors: Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini

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★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
Killer Koncepts (French) by Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson

Une encyKlopédie Kollaborative Koncise Koncernant Des Kréations Kommerciales sur le Killer Kount pour Kartomanes en Klose-up Kontemporains. Plus de 30 routines de Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini et Robin Robertson, utilisant le comptage Killer Count de Steve Beam. Le tour des Quatre As, des voyages de cartes, du mentalisme, des révélations, des effets d'épellation, des routines axées comédie, un tour fantastique avec un agenda et bien plus encore.

[Traduction et adaptation en langue française par Patrice Bernard.]

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
Killer Koncepts by Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson

A Koncise Kollaborative Kompendium of Kommercial Killer Kount Kreations for Kontemporary Klose-up Kard Konjurors. Over 30 routines using Steve Beam’s Killer Count by Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini and Robin Robertson. Four Ace tricks, cards across, mentalism, discoveries, spelling effects, comedy routines, a fantastic diary trick and much more.

1st edition 2009; 26 pages.

★★★★★ $19.95
Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
Diamonds from Coal by Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson

"Diamonds From Coal, the third card book co-authored by Robin Robertson and Peter Duffie, contains superb material like their first two publications, Card Conspiracy Vol. 1 and Card Conspiracy Vol. 2, that is not only well constructed and entertaining, it does not require an inordinate amount of skill. Together the Duffie/Robertson trilogy is the best value in card magic to come out in a long time." - Harvey Rosenthal

Biddle Force: An Unnatural Order; A Swindle of Suits; Observation Test; Name a Number, Any Number

Batch Mexican Turnover: On a Match; Mag(net)Ic; Looks Can be Deceiving; The Royal Road; Combined Forces; Rapid-Fire...

★★★★★ $34.95
Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
Card Conspiracy 1 & 2 by Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
  1. Biddle Force: 26 Faces North; Double Knavery; 25 Faces North + 1 South
  2. Concealed Allerton Control: CAC Visitor; Only Joking; Anti-Matter; Anti-Matter Revisited; Final Control
  3. Cut Force: Diminishing Matches; Beastly Assembly; Faith Counter; 51 Faces North
  4. Daley's Delight Switch: Hotel Daley; Shifty King; Repelling & Attracting; Double Rouge et Noire; Daley's Do-as-I-Do
  5. Daryl's Diminishing Count: Bad Guys Wear Black; Just a Little off the Top, Please; Repligator; Blackjack & Blackjacks
  6. Divide and Conjure (Marty Kane)
  7. Double Deal Turn-over: S.O.P. (Slightly Open Prediction); Blackjack Transpo;...
Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
Card Conspiracy 2 by Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson

14 Chapters, 70+ tricks, 150+ illustrations by Joseph K. Schmidt.

  1. Interlocked Principle: Topmost; Blackjack Aces; Between 2 Worlds
  2. Jog Switch: The Producers; JS Ace Production; Rags to Riches
  3. Kosky Switch: Compression Agents; Compression Agents Revisited; Fan Dancing Queens; Infallible Foolable Kings; Self Correcting Sandwich & variants
  4. Misc. - General: Bottom Biddle Following Orders; Change-Over Queens; Clockwise; Con-found; The Piston; Shiftless Royalty; Impaired Royalty; The Ringmaster; Return to Sender; Traveling Queen; Vollmer Variant; Ambitious & Overworked
  5. Misc. - Set-ups: Flexible Choice; Harvey's...
★★★★★ $19.95
Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
Card Conspiracy 1 by Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson

12 Chapters, 50+ tricks, 150+ illustrations by Joseph K. Schmidt.

  1. Biddle Force: 26 Faces North; Double Knavery; 25 Faces North + 1 South
  2. Concealed Allerton Control: CAC Visitor; Only Joking; Anti-Matter; Anti-Matter Revisited; Final Control
  3. Cut Force: Diminishing Matches; Beastly Assembly; Faith Counter; 51 Faces North
  4. Daley's Delight Switch: Hotel Daley; Shifty King; Repelling & Attracting; Double Rouge et Noire; Daley's Do-as-I-Do
  5. Daryl's Diminishing Count: Bad Guys Wear Black; Just a Little off the Top, Please; Repligator; Blackjack & Blackjacks
  6. Divide and Conjure (Marty Kane)
  7. Double Deal Turn-over:...
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