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Ron and Nancy Spencer

Ron and Nancy Spencer

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Telepathy Personified (for resale)

Ron and Nancy Spencer
Telepathy Personified (for resale) by Ron and Nancy Spencer

For years Ron and Nancy have fooled audiences worldwide with their Minds in Harmony act. Here, for the first time, they reveal all of their treasured secrets - secrets that will enable the reader to recreate this act in its entirety. In his foreword to this book Edwin Dawes says:

Despite the numerous times I have seen Ron and Nancy Spencer present their act it has never palled, the freshness and apparent spontaneity of their interaction (not to mention the challenge for the magician of endeavouring to detect their methods!) has captured the imagination. For much of the second half of the...

★★★★★ $25
Ron and Nancy Spencer
Telepathy Personified by Ron and Nancy Spencer

For years Ron and Nancy have fooled audiences worldwide with their Minds in Harmony act. Here, for the first time, they reveal all of their treasured secrets - secrets that will enable the reader to recreate this act in its entirety. In his foreword to this book Edwin Dawes says:

Despite the numerous times I have seen Ron and Nancy Spencer present their act it has never palled, the freshness and apparent spontaneity of their interaction (not to mention the challenge for the magician of endeavouring to detect their methods!) has captured the imagination. For much of the second half of the...

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