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Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 11: Billiard Ball Manipulation
by Rupert Howard

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Rupert Howard Magic Course: Lesson 11: Billiard Ball Manipulation by Rupert Howard
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Table of Contents

  1. Content

    The Magician's Dress

  2. Afternoon Performances
  3. Evening Performances

    Billiard Ball Manipulation

  4. Introduction
  5. The Multiplying Billiard Balls
  6. The Patriotic Balls
  7. The Transposed Balls
  8. Cups and Balls
  9. A Billiard Ball Phantasy

    The History of Magic (part 6)

  10. Conjurers of the Eighteenth Century

1st edition 1931; 18 pages.
word count: 7173 which is equivalent to 28 standard pages of text