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Scientific Cold Reading Intro
by Dave Arch

#2 Patter, Plots & Scripts author

(10 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Scientific Cold Reading Intro by Dave Arch

Why would anyone purchase another eBook or watch another video on the subject of cold reading? What could possibly be new that hasn't already been said? I too would be skeptical. After you've read Webster, Dewey, Scryer and others, what else could there be? Drawing on my ten years as a Pastor and fourteen years as an Executive Coach (and zero years as a psychic), please, if you're at all curious, take a few moments and watch as I share my perspective on cold reading, how that perspective evolved, and then a quick overview of the model I'm recommending in my series of five eBooks soon to be released through Then if you believe my approach is redundant to what you've already read, heard, or seen, you can save your money. I hope you find it a fair way to assess my offerings.

1st edition 2018, length 11 min

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