Seance for the Undead: a Duet of Unusual Magicks features two new routines from the slightly disturbed mind of Paul Voodini. Both routines combine elements of the psychological and the esoteric with more traditional (but very simple) conjuring techniques. This is bizarre magic that is designed to entertain, enthrall and, yes, scare a parlour audience!
The first routine is entitled Raising the Dead. This is a seance-based routine that combines both the psychological elements that Paul Voodini is famous for along with some small pieces of illusion.
The vampire has long been a source of fascination in modern culture. That fascination continues to this day with the Nosferatu heavily featured in movies, TV shows, and novels. The Raising the Dead routine recreates an infamous séance that took place in 1908 when a group of psychical researchers witnessed the medium Eusapia Palladino being physically attacked by vampires! Take your guests on a journey into the very heart of darkness, a place where they will see, interact with, and ultimately be saved from the spirit of a vampire! Because of the theatrical nature of this séance, it should only ever be presented as entertainment and not the 'real deal'!
The second routine is Dr. Lao's Magical Emporium of Delights. In the Limehouse district of London in the 1880's, Dr. Lao's Magical Emporium was the opium den of choice. But for the wealthy and the favoured, there was a secret room where the mysterious Dr. Lao himself would tell fortunes and demonstrate his strange Oriental magic. However there was a catch, a secret test that the guests gathered in the secret parlour were unaware of. Will your guests pass this test and be shown wondrous magicks, or will they fail and be witness to angry spirits? A great, interactive, fun and spooky routine that your guests will never forget. This routine does require some rudimentary 'reading' skills, but how in-depth they are completely depends on the performer and his performance style. This routine also utilises a well-known and easily obtained magical prop, used in a new and intriguing manner!
1st edition 2012, 25 pages.
word count: 5919 which is equivalent to 23 standard pages of text