Sight Unseen will earn you a reputation. If you already have a reputation, it will make it bigger. The effects in this eBook contributed greatly in earning David Devlin his IBM Entertainer of the Year Award in 2003.
This eBook comes with two presentations and two methods for the same effect. The basic effect is that a deck is shuffled by spectators until they are content. The deck is spread face down. The spectator slips a joker face up into the deck anywhere she wishes. The second joker is placed face up above the face down card above the other joker, thus trapping a single unknown card between them. The deck is squared. The performer closes his eyes and begins to get a sense of the trapped card's identity. Finally, the mentalist settles on one card. Let's say he says it is the Ten of Hearts. The spectator spreads the deck and removes the trapped card herself. It is the Ten of Hearts!
The second version of this effect is basically the same, except that you never ever touch or come anywhere close to the deck! Three spectators do all of the work while your back is turned away. This is the presentation that David performed for a room full of magicians and mentalists and floored every single one of them, and got him a standing ovation from the entire audience!
- Very easy to do
- For most routines you will require a partner
- No switches
- No forces
- The deck is borrowed
- No gaffs of any kind
- It is impromptu
- No set-up
Bonus Effect
This is a stage effect that also fooled every magician and mentalist that saw it.
The performer displays a jumbo playing card resting face in on an easel. In this condition it is impossible to determine the identity of the card. This card is placed in full view. A ball of paper is now tossed into the audience. It is tossed three times, and the person who catches the ball on the third toss joins the performer on stage. The "volunteer" is blind-folded, and spun around three times, and is then told to point at four people. As he points, the performer tells the people in the various places to stand up.
After the four randomly chosen people are standing, the on-stage volunteer removes his blind fold, and selects one of the four, and the other three retake their seats. This has all been done to ensure the impossible conditions of the test. The spectator that the on stage volunteer has selected is now given a series of choices such as, "Do you like red cards or black cards? Spades or Clubs?" etc (no equivoque for the card selection). She continues making choices until a final card is chosen. Let's say that she names the Queen of Diamonds. The jumbo card is now removed from the easel, and given to the on-stage volunteer. He turns it around, and it proves to be the Queen of Diamonds!
1st edition 2014, 17 pages.
word count: 3357 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text