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Silver Where?
by Stephen Tucker


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Silver Where? by Stephen Tucker

An incredible transposition of a fork and a spoon.

Showing a fork and a spoon you mix them, undercover of your hands, then ask someone to guess which is the fork. They guess and are either correct or wrong. You clearly place the spoon in your breast pocket, with the handle protruding. Suddenly, the fork in your hand becomes the spoon! The spoon in your breast pocket turns out to be... the fork!

No magnets or sleights! Can be performed without a table (ideal for strolling or at cluttered tables) and everything can be examined at the end. This was developed to link with Stephen's Mind-Power routine.

Bonus: Ring-Master
Two examined laces are draped around someone’s neck. You borrow a finger ring, take it behind their head for a moment, then lift the laces up and over their head to reveal that the ring... is now threaded onto both of them! The ring is slid off the ends and everything can be examined. As a finale, you repeat the feat, but rather than simply slide the ring off the ends, you have the ring owner hold onto it whilst he cuts through both laces to free the ring. You now restore both laces!

1st edition 2008; 6 pages.
word count: 2340 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text

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