Stephen Tucker
(England: 22nd April 1958 - )
Stephen took up magic after seeing a magician at one of his dad's annual factory Christmas parties. His father was a further influence, as he had mastered various card routines that depended on the stacked deck principle.
At grammar school Stephen met David Britland, who eventually introduced him to his first magic society, The Mahatma Magic Circle of Liverpool, where he met (amongst many others) future friends Bob Ostin and the late Joe Dignam.
In the early 1970s Stephen was involved, with David Britland and John Brown, in the Talon close-up magazine. A little later he published his own close-up orientated magic magazines, Spell-Binder and Chicanery. After that he was the editor of the Pabular magazine for a number of years.
Over the years Stephen has written a number of books, produced various videos and DVDs, marketed numerous effects and published routines in most magic magazines. He is proud to have been honored with two one-man issues of Harry Lorayne's Apocalypse magazine.