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Simply Devastating
by Michael Paul


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Simply Devastating by Michael Paul

Simply Devastating is over thirty pages of hard hitting magic, complete with embedded video to make learning easier. Also included is a special bonus chapter on the Invisible Deck, and a jam session with the one and only Simon Lovell! Want more? We also include a teaser video shot at real life, paid gigs. This is magic that works. When you want to brutally destroy an audience... you'll want to use the tricks from Simply Devastating.

Here's a quick overview:

No Toss:
A stage mentalist's dream. Four people mentally select cards, and you point to each person and name their card. This is a course in detailed scripting, presentation and audience management. No Toss may be the most real looking mind-reading demonstration you will ever see.

Size 9:
A signed card appears folded in quarters and jammed inside the toe of your shoe. The card that's pulled out of the shoe really is the signed selection, no switches, ditches or gimmicks. Totally impromptu. This is a very easy, very powerful card to impossible location that you'll actually use all the time!

Place the deck down and ask the spectator to cut. They cut to an ace. No switches, palming, crimps, marks, stooges or misdirection needed. No duplicates, can be performed totally impromptu. When you want to smoke your poker buddies, pull this one out... they'll never let you play with them again.

Totally Triumphant:
Imagine performing a one shuffle triumph, then spreading the pack face up to show that every card is now back in perfect new deck order. The details that make this a real killer are covered. This is Michael's bar show opener.

The Call:
A spectator is asked to merely think of a card, then pull it out of the pack. Another is asked to take out her cell phone and dial your home phone number. The message on your answering machine actually predicts the thought of card. Here's a fantastic lesson in jazz magic, and taking the chances that will make your spectators start a new religion around you. Later, Simon Lovell shares his ideas about "The Call" and gives tips to turn this into a 100% winner (and bookings magnet!)

The Initial Burn:
Michael's favorite closer. A total and complete stranger is asked her name. You write the spectator's first initial on a small piece of paper and set it aside for a moment. She then selects a card, signs it, and loses it in the pack without you touching the cards. The paper is placed on the back of the pack, and lit on fire. After the paper has burst into flames and vanished, the cards are spread. The back of one card is burned... the burn is in the shape of the spectator's first initial. Perform this for anyone, without secretly obtaining their name before hand... This one is worth ten times the price of the notes.

Bonus Thoughts:
An entire bonus section dealing with the use of the Invisible Deck. Learn how to make the ID a tool that will truely disturb your audience. Michael shares his tips and subtleties that he's developed over years of live performances.

Also Included:
An essay that may very well change the way you think about your magic!

Six pieces of real-world, audience tested magic. A hard hitting essay. A bonus chapter on Invisible Deck. A live performance/teaser video. A special session with Simon Lovell.

1st edition 2008; 39 pages plus demo video

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video