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Sound Advice for Magicians
by Peter Mennie

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Sound Advice for Magicians by Peter Mennie

Let's face it, once you step in front of an audience you not only have to be seen, but you have to be heard. And just like the sleight of hand in your show has to be the best it can be, the sound has to be the best it can be as well. Your audiences deserve better than 'it's good enough'.

Sound Advice For Magicians was written out of a lecture I do for magic clubs and clown alleys because I saw too many talented performers bomb in front of audiences because their sound system failed or the people running them were incompetent. In addition to performing full-time for over 40 years (with many sound systems), in my downtime, I sound design, set-up, and engineer live musicals and bands for local community events. I've learned what travels well, sets up easily, and sounds great - consistently.

Inside the booklet, you will learn what to buy first (and why), what to buy second (and why), what mics are best for you (and why) and how to set everything up (properly), and get the best sound possible out of what you have.

I never go to a gig without my own sound system and you shouldn't either.

1st edition 2021, PDF 27 pages.
word count: 5450 which is equivalent to 21 standard pages of text

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