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Spirit Boxed
by Vincent Wilson


(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Spirit Boxed by Vincent Wilson

From the mind of Vince Wilson is his most ambitious project yet - Spirit Boxed. Vince takes very simple and forgotten pieces of magic and turns them into elegant works of storytelling art. Vince has crafted an entire “show in a box” that packs small and plays huge. He has created a new character in storytelling that moves through the decades of the 20th Century meeting historic figures like Al Capone, Emilia Earhart, Veronica Lake, Babe Ruth, Howard Thurston, Orson Welles and now you.

“I really like it! Lots of fun and a good thru story! I also like the idea of taking under appreciated pieces of magic and breathing new life (well, death!) into them! Good stuff!”Paul Voodini

“A wonderful bit of storytelling!” – Vlad

“Fun stuff!” – David Parr

“If instructions had a coherent story and a REASON to be performed, then maybe these wouldn’t be regarded as back of the drawer magic. Vince has taken the little pocket tricks that have often been forgotten and given you a reason to perform them again. This would be perfect for a small walk-around set. Highly recommended.” – Paul Prater

1st edition 2020, PDF 13 pages.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Bizarre

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video