(3 customer ratings) ★★★★★
A practical and commercial routine without difficult sleights.
From the Introduction:
For a long time Billy McComb and I have been searching for the "perfect" routine with Sponge Balls. It's taken a long time because we laid down some rather stringent conditions:
In our search we naturally checked on as many sources as possible. For example, the answer to the third condition was found in Pat Page's routine. Inspiration also came from Pat's routine for the Purse Frame, although his presentation is actually with coins. Al Goshman uses the purse-frame with Sponge Balls, but merely to produce them. We found it to be a positive aid when it comes to obtaining loads and it can also be used for a convincing vanish.
1st edition 1980, 12 pages; PDF 11 pages.word count: 2527 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text