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Home / Magic & Mentalism / Cards

by Ritaprova Sen

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Target by Ritaprova Sen

The magician asks for a card to be selected and also takes out the joker. After the selection has been noted and signed he buries the card inside the deck and places the deck on the table. He riffles the inner edge with his thumb and suddenly flicks the face up joker into the deck. The face up joker is seen to stick out at a certain portion of the deck until the very last moment before it is pushed in flush with the deck and the deck is immediately spread to show that the joker landed right next to the selection. A work of true precision. And this can be repeated as many times as you wish. Almost no sleight of hand required. Easy reset.

1st edition 2020, PDF 2 pages, video 5 min.
word count: 739 which is equivalent to 2 standard pages of text

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Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / with Demo Video