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The Classics
by Aldo Colombini

#1 Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups author
#1 DVD (download+stream) author
#2 Cards author
#3 Magic & Mentalism author
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The Classics by Aldo Colombini

Lecture notes with great advice and eight wonderful routines by master entertainer Aldo Colombini.

  • You are the only one who knows!
  • Seventh Floor: Seven cards are selected. One card is signed by the spectator and then all seven cards are lost in the deck. One by one, they are found by the performer. The signed card re-appears and then finally, it is found inside the pocket.
  • Ace-mbly: You perform a Matrix effect with the Aces and four coins. The first time the coins gather under one Ace. The second time the coins do not move, but the pips of the cards do: Three Aces become blank and the fourth has all four Ace-pips on it. (This routine requires three blank faced cards and a card with all the pips of the Aces on it.)
  • Sherlock Holmes vs. Moriarty: Sherlock Holmes and his pal Doctor Watson (really two Kings), with the help of a spectator, finally capture the evil Professor Moriarty.
  • Pyramid: A rubber band finds a selected card.
  • Pom-Pom Cups: Three colored pom-poms penetrate through the cups during the routine. At the end, the three pom-poms are vanished and three large balls are revealed.
  • Deep Impact: Three cards are placed aside as predictions. Two cards are selected: a Ten and a King. The three predictions are seen to be the other Tens. Then they change to match the second selection and the Tens are removed from several pockets.
  • You can Count on them: A selected card is revealed after several attempts are made by the magician.
  • Back to the Future: An unknown card is placed between the hands of a spectator. A selected signed card is lost in the deck but turns out to be the unknown card between the hands of the spectator.

PDF 18 pages.
word count: 7480 which is equivalent to 29 standard pages of text

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