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The Cleansing
by Ray Noble

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The Cleansing by Ray Noble

In this unique routine you will meet an interesting man named George who happens to be a voodoo priest. This routine is told in story form to enhance the effect and to let you see how powerful belief can be. The Cleansing is a method that uses a pendulum to help cleanse a person from negativity or other things that might be upsetting them. Through the power of a pendulum not only is the negativity or worry removed but a calming takes place within the person. This is a routine that uses the persons own mind to free them of their trouble. It is played as real and those attempting this needs to respect people and honor their sensitivity. This is a routine that isn't for those that want people to say, "Wow, you are good. How did you do that?" This routine has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the person. It is about them and you helping them.

With this routine you will be taken serious and with that comes responsibility to act with care and be sincere. By assisting others is a way to please the cosmos and to help ourselves also.

The pendulum that is used not only changes during the cleansing but can also be given to the person. The person is told to carry it around with them for a few days. It is this carrying and small ritual at the end that completes the cleansing.

1st edition 2015, 5 pages.
word count: 2140 which is equivalent to 8 standard pages of text

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