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Kids & Children in Magic & Mentalism

Are you doing magic for birthday parties? Or do you have younger siblings or friends you need to entertain? This is the section for you.

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Eddie Clever
Entertaining Children with Magic by Eddie Clever

Hailed as the first book to present magic for children from the standpoint of child mentality. It outlines the opportunities in this field, discusses the type of program to be used, and tells how to work with children successfully. Several sample programs with presentation and patter are included.

The book also includes a supplement on "Sermonizing Magic" by Rev. Russell S. Balsiger which makes it extremely valuable to those who perform "magic with a message."


  • Foreword
  • The Opportunist
  • Me and My Shadow
  • The Duel
  • On Guard
  • The Children's Hour
  • Something to Talk About ...
John Payne Collier
Punch and Judy by John Payne Collier

This work includes the first printed Punch and Judy script which describes the humorous adventures that befall both him and his spouse, including Punch's final triumph over the devil. It was written by John Payne Collier and illustrated by George Cruikshank and was based on Giovanni Piccini's Punch show that had been performed in England in the early 1800s. Collier presents the history of Punch, whose original name was Pulcinello, from the date of his first appearance in Italy, about the year 1600, to the early 19th century.

  • Introduction
  • Chapter I. Origin Of Punch In Italy
  • Chapter II. Origin...
Arthur Setterington
Magic, Fun and Games by Arthur Setterington

Excerpt from the introduction:

As a beginner in magic I had little idea of what was required in the entertaining of children, and, watching more experienced performers, it seemed that a children's show was merely an adult programme shown to children, with little in the way of "byplay", which has become a recognised ingredient in juvenile programmes.

At first, it was a case of trial and error, learning by mistakes, until at a later period I was able to increase my knowledge of the subject, through reading books, magazines, and attending lectures.

It is unfortunate that when an effect...

Regardt Laubscher
Balloon Comedy and Magic by Regardt Laubscher

Introducing Balloon Comedy & Magic: Your ultimate guide to hilarious balloon modelling for magicians.

Step into a world where laughter reigns supreme and magic comes alive with every twist and turn of a balloon. In this captivating ebook, magicians of all levels will discover the secrets to infusing their performances with uproarious comedy and mesmerizing magic using the versatile art of balloon modeling.

Inside Balloon Comedy & Magic, you'll find a treasure trove of side-splitting jokes, witty routines, and clever comedic techniques perfectly tailored for the magician's stage. Learn...

★★★★★ $10
Michael Elliott
Children's Showtime by Michael Elliott

Excerpt from the introduction by David Hemingway:

The plum of the book is undoubtedly the 'Parade of the Firemen.' This will surely be seen in the acts of many leading children's entertainers.

Michael Elliott has at last been persuaded to go into print with his wealth of experience in entertaining children. His approach is, in my opinion, completely new and his knowledge of commercial script writing shows through in many ways.

Many of his basic ideas may seem old, but are presented in a new and telling way. Atrocious puns may seem corny to you and me, but they are the very essence...

Mark Leveridge
Hanky Juggling by Mark Leveridge

This is a wonderful participation routine for children's entertainers using the simplest of props - a wand, a silk, and an unprepared bag. Two children come up to assist. A silk is made invisible and handed to one child, while the second helper examines and then holds onto a bag. The invisible silk is 'blown' up into the air, caught on the end of the magic wand, which is then used to flick it over to the child holding the bag. The silk is supposed to now be inside the bag, but the child holding the bag seems to be unable to find it inside. Realising that the silk must still be invisible, the...

★★★★★ $15
James Breedon
Rub the Lamp by James Breedon

James Breedon, or as the kiddies affectionately call him, Uncle Jim, was one of the busiest children's entertainers on the South Coast, and author of this delightful book in which, with meticulous care, and in detail, he describes the effects and routines developed over the many years he has been entertaining Children.

In the pages of this book, the student will find the recipe for handling youngsters, and the development of the skills required; humour, tolerance, patience and inventiveness. The art of encouraging the shy, and of coping firmly with the over boisterous, without loss of temper....

Roy Van Dyke
More Fun with Balloons by Roy Van Dyke

From the Foreword:

More good advice, tips, ideas and balloon models. The result of Van Dyke's professional experience is here. Balloon workers cannot fail to find something of help and interest in the pages which follow.

  • Publisher's Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Advice on Balloons
  • The Rocket Balloons
  • A Swan
  • A Monkey
  • A Rat
  • An Elephant
  • A Seal
  • Oodles of Poodles
  • The Van Dyke Poodle
  • An Aeroplane
  • A Goat
  • A Dragonfly
  • An Octopus
  • Did William Tell?
  • Toffee Apples!
  • A Silly Mistake
  • A Rocking Horse
  • Rudolph Grows Up!
  • Animals from One Balloon
  • A Dog From One Balloon
  • A Poodle From One Balloon ...
Neville Wiltshire
A Helping of Punch by Neville Wiltshire

From the foreword:

What I am writing is not for the beginner but for the man with a Punch show already, Many of these will, like myself, be semi-pros who do Magic as well. With Magic one can change ones show fairly easily and indeed this is necessary working in a small area with the same bookings coming in year after year.

It is not so easy to change a Punch show. Not a great deal has been written in the way of Novelty items. There are puppet plays which could be adapted especially those written in German for the puppet Kasper. The snag is that most of these are written for more than one...

Regardt Laubscher
Punchlines for Kids Parties by Regardt Laubscher

Over the years I have learned that even a very experienced performer can find himself/herself in situations during a show where you need to stay calm and ignore random things that happen during your show. For the rest of it, speak your mind, but always be respectful. These lines will help you have control over your show and also enhance your professional image.

"I just read the book and there are plenty of good lines/ideas. My favorite are "Balloons Animales" and "Marketing Lines. Thanks Regardt for your sharing!!" - Guillaume Cerati

  • Jumping castles
  • Photographer
  • Naughty children ...
Edwin Hooper
Hallo Mr. Punch by Edwin Hooper

From the Foreword by Ian Adair:

Being once a professional Punch and Judy man, before he became a dealer in magic, Edwin has presented literally thousands of shows, on the sea-shores, at fetes, in Marquees, in the open, at Children's parties and such like, learning his art the hard way, by trial and error.

Now you, dear reader, can learn the EASY way by studying this book, backed by the author's vast experience on this subject.

Having seen his Punch show and having watched the laughing faces of the children during it I must say no better person could write such a worthwhile publication.

James A. Payne
Balloon Animals and how to make them by James A. Payne

From the preface:

This book has been written with the idea of presenting some different types of balloon items and to give some ideas to the walk-around clown. All of them have been audience-tested.

In the past I have read where one must be able to turn out a set number of balloon animals per hour or they will be in trouble. Nothing could be further from the truth. For years I have clowned at Shopping Centers and Picnics and, although I don't turn out more than sixty balloon animals per hour at my fastest pace, I still please the crowds at the places I appear and worked at one shopping...

Billy Benbo
Billy Benbow's Best by Billy Benbo

For children entertainers. A selection of routines, tricks, wheezes, dodges, gags and games from "The Billy Benbo All in One Show."

  • The Benbo Treasure Chest
  • The Chinese Wedding
  • The Haunted Cottage
  • Postscript To Supreme's Magic Gardener
  • Robby The Mindreading Rabbit
  • Roy Johnson's 'On The Slate' Routined For Children
  • Prelude To Supreme's Percy Postman
  • Streamlined 'Elusive Rabbits'
  • The Benbo Washing Machine
  • Supreme's Whirl-Away Wand Gag
  • What's In A Name?
  • The Games Master Revisited
  • The Magic 'Silk' Shaker

1st edition 1981, 28 pages; PDF 40 pages.

Frances Marshall
Kid Stuff by Frances Marshall

Frances Marshall's Kid Stuff series is considered by many experts to be essential reading for anyone interested in performing magic for children. These ebooks contain full scripts, new routines, and advice for both show and business.

  • kid Stuff
  • The Puppet Rabbit Routine
  • The Laurie Ireland Routine With The Egg And Bag Trick
  • Comedy Wand, Handkerchief And Fan Routine
  • The Foxwell Paper Race
  • A Mental Trick For Kids
  • Prelude To Any Rope Trick
  • The Stomach Ache Tube
  • Birthday Child Sequence
  • Ideas For Kid Shows
  • Spellbound
  • Dressing The Doll
  • Eddie Clever's Version Of The Sun And Moon
  • Clown...
Regardt Laubscher
Entertaining Parents and Kids at Birthday Parties by Regardt Laubscher

If you are a children's magician, then this ebook is for you. Although there are no specific trick explanations, Regardt focuses on full routines, their presentation, patter, and entertainment value rather than trick secrets. Most of all, these routines will entertain both the children and the adults. After all, how often do the mums and dads actually watch the show too? Here you learn to keep them happy as well.

Of course, the main focus is to still entertain the children, as that is the whole purpose of being booked as a children's magician at a party, or event. However, even though the...

★★★★★ $9.79
Regardt Laubscher
Money Magnet Tips for Kids Parties by Regardt Laubscher

The evergreen market of children's parties will make you feel like a 'magician farmer.' You can harvest 12months of the year. In this ebook of practical money-making tips, I will share my closest guarded secrets I have never told anyone before. I have been making use of these secrets for almost 2 decades and they have truly been my 'Money Magnet' throughout the years. I will cover topics such as

  • Performance packages, Marketing, Invoicing, Designing, Financial planning, and many more.
  • This ebook is really a personal treasure of mine.
  • If you are serious about making money in the Children's...
Will Ayling
The Lilliputians by Will Ayling

An adventure into glove and rod puppet theatre.

From the introduction:

The need for a puppet show being established, the selection of type both of figures and presentation raised problems. The marionette string puppet, operated mostly from above, has an indirect application and limited movement in spite of considerable flexibility of joints. Rod puppets worked mostly from below, also suffer limitations, their movements restricted and stylised. Certainly both types require more than one hand to effectively operate one figure and are best suited to the traditional proscenium staging. ...

Regardt Laubscher
One-Liners and Jokes for Kids Parties by Regardt Laubscher

Over 40 one-liners and jokes. Comedy should be used to enhance your magic, as you are not a comedian, but rather an entertainer. But by saying that; can you imagine any performance more entertaining than a comedy magician? I don't think so. This ebook will surely add value to your performance.

One-liners and jokes for:

  1. Arrival
  2. Sit down
  3. Warm-up
  4. Performance
  5. Goodbye

1st edition 2021, PDF 19 pages.

Brick Tilley
Jelly Bean Catch by Brick Tilley

A comedy version of the sometimes tragic bullet catch that plays for laughs and eliminates any danger or controversy. Especially geared for outdoor performances, it allows you to catch a jelly bean propelled by a toy slingshot and can provide welcomed humor and a degree of silliness to your children's shows. Easy to construct, safe and sure to please.

1st edition 2021, PDF 4 pages, video 42 s.

★★★★★ $4.95
Gregg Webb
Super Session #14: The Return of the Ball and the Big Fat Wand by Gregg Webb

Gregg Webb teaches a routine for causing a ball to appear in his hand and vanish multiple times, using an oversize magic wand. The routine uses one ball, and a simple-to-make wand: this is a great family-oriented trick for children's shows.

1st edition 2021, PDF 4 pages hand lettered text with illustrations.

★★★★★ $10
Eric Hawkesworth
A Magic Variety Show by Eric Hawkesworth

This ebook describes a number of new variety acts for the amateur entertainer that will enable him to present up-to- date versions of Chapeaugraphy (making many hats from one brim), Mind Reading, Chinese Paper Folding, Magic Spelling, Paper Tearing, Lightning Cartoons, Shadowgraphs and Magic.

Practically all the materials used to construct the simple props can be found in the home or bought in local stores, and great use is made of ordinary newspaper.

It is vital that talk and action should be practised together, so a detailed script with full patter and performing notes is given with...

Tony Green
Puppets with Punch by Tony Green

Novel punch and puppet routines.

This ebook is really part 2 of Professional Punch, the first book of novelty puppet routines. If you enjoyed the routines there you will get more here. As before very little script is included, leaving you to adapt the ideas to your own style. All the included routines have been audience tested.

  • Opening Remarks
  • Buzz Buzz the Honey Bee
  • Pop goes the Pudding
  • Katie Caterpillar
  • The Lion Tamer
  • Saucy Sammy Seal
  • Splin Win - the Chinese Magician
  • Lollipops
  • Daphne Duck and Cockie Cuthbert
  • The Boxing Kangaroo
  • The Wrestlers Pete the Pounder v Mick the Mauler
  • Witchy Whoops ...
Eric Hawkesworth
Rag Picture Shows by Eric Hawkesworth

This is the first ebook to offer a complete course of instruction in preparing and performing rag picture shows, which make a highly entertaining act for the amateur - and professional - conjuror. Rag pictures are composed of shapes cut out of felt, foam plastic, or any other suitable material and placed on a display board covered with black velvet or any other stuff with a surface pile to which the shapes will adhere. A few basic shapes can be used in a remarkable variety of ways; for instance, the handbag which Cinderella takes to the Ball later becomes the skirt of her wedding dress, while...

★★★★★ $10
Arnold Furst
Magic for Monsters by Arnold Furst

A classic of routines and advice for working with what some call "the little monsters" (children); now updated for the modern performer. Here's a book for all magicians; whether you specialize in giving kid shows or just want a few new routines that are time tested by this seasoned entertainer. The seventeen tricks are described in complete detail and with every word of patter, including several original comedy routines that offer the maximum in entertainment value and audience response with a minimum of preparation or investment.

The book stresses the psychology and presentation necessary...

Tony Green
Professional Punch by Tony Green

From the opening remarks:

The following remarks may be well known to the working professional. However, when I started full time and rushed out to buy books on the subject, the only information they contained was one traditional script, one or two small novelty scenes and how to make and work the swazzle. Wonderful books, full of good helpful advice enabling the beginner to present a worthwhile show, but nothing at all on the subject of holding the attention of an audience against other attractions in the immediate vicinity. This is why I decided to put my ideas, which some Punch men think...

★★★★★ $10
Eric Hawkesworth
Puppet Shows to Make by Eric Hawkesworth

In this ebook Eric Hawkesworth deals with the whole art of entertaining with puppets. He gives detailed instructions on how to make many different kinds of puppets, and the stages for them to perform on - everything from a Punch and Judy booth to a model theatre. Construction methods are simple and clearly illustrated by the author's diagrams, and the materials are inexpensive. Each section of the ebook describes a complete act using a particular form of puppet - glove, 'living' marionette (in which the performer's head appears as the head of the miniature puppet), finger, shadow, rod, and string....

Geoffrey Buckhurst
Conjuror's Party by Geoffrey Buckhurst

This is a silent film of a magic show for children performed by Geoffrey Buckhurst probably from the early 1950s. Among the tricks he performs is the Zombie, Egg bag, Torn and Restored Rope, Diminishing Cards, and many other bits and pieces to entertain the kids.

This is performance only, no explanations of the tricks are provided. An interesting window into magic for children during the 1950s.

1st edition ~1950s; video length 11 min 42 s.

★★★★★ $7
Will L. Lindhorst
Dick Daring's New Bag of Tricks by Will L. Lindhorst

This work was sponsored by the Quaker Oats Company and includes ads for their Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice products.

  • How to Tear Paper Napkin After It Is Twisted
  • Mysterious Trick With Paper
  • Trick of Unsmashable Match Box
  • Here Is a Number Trick With Which to Baffle Your Friends
  • How to Remove Dime Under Glass Without Touching Either
  • How to Invert Glass of Water Without Spilling It
  • How to Fill Glass Twice Without Emptying First Contents
  • Tells How to Blow Candle Out Through Bottle
  • Here's How You Can Add Five Matches to Six and Make Nine
  • Three Matches Can Be Lifted With One
  • How You Can...
Magic Gareth
The Balloon Party Extraordinaire by Magic Gareth

This ebook is for the parent, the teacher, the entertainer, the artist. It will give you the ability to use balloons, not just as a standard decoration, but as a piece of entertainment for all ages. This ebook will turn you into the 'balloon party extraordinaire' you always dreamed you could be.

It is 100 pages of games, magic tricks and jokes all together in this single downloadable PDF.

  • Introduction
    • Disclaimers
    • Balloons: In A Nutshell
    • Balloons: Not Just For Kids!
    • Balloon Colour
    • Shapes And Sizes
    • How To Tie A Balloon
    • The Party Venue
    • Outside?
    • Floor Markings
    • Prizes?
    • To Eliminate...
Displaying 1 to 29 (of 101 products)
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