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The Four Card Mystery Presents: Influence
by Boyet Vargas

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The Four Card Mystery Presents: Influence by Boyet Vargas

The Four Mystery Presents: Influence is a follow-up effect from a previous release. It is a three-phase card-matching mentalism routine that demonstrates your ability to influence the cards of the participant.

  • No sleights
  • No secret markings
  • No gimmicks
  • Very little memory work
  • The participant has freedom in the mixing process

This effect exploits the different uses of my newly developed method featured in my book The Four Mystery Presents: Remote Viewing. The method enables you to have the participant mix the cards, and yet, the mentalist is still able to determine and control the possible outcomes.

1st edition 2021, PDF 18 pages.
word count: 7386 which is equivalent to 29 standard pages of text