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The "Gee Whiz" Combination and Encore
by Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney

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The "Gee Whiz" Combination and Encore by Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney

Here's a terrific, family-friendly, comedy bill in lemon effect that your audiences will love. A genuine dollar bill is borrowed from a spectator (no stooge) and signed or marked. Anyone wraps it in a borrowed handkerchief. Two lemons are then shown and one is selected (no force). The spectator himself places the lemon in his coat pocket. The borrowed bill vanishes from the hanky while the spectator is holding it. The man with the lemon cuts it open and finds the bill inside. You do not touch the lemon.

And now for an encore, you decide to mark the handkerchief so the owner will recognize it later. You proceed to cut the center out of the hanky with a pair of scissors. You attempt to restore the hanky, but this only causes it to shrink in size, still with the hole in its center. Finally, the small hanky vanishes, and the original, restored hanky is found in the man's pocket.

A hilarious encore ensues, using an egg, a borrowed ring, and a boy from the audience. We won't spoil it here, but it's good for the strongest laugh, yet.

And that's not all. Only in this revised version do you get additional performance pointers and ideas for making this a feature of your act. Ten solid minutes of laughs, fun, and multiple photo opportunities make this a must-have addition for any magical entertainer.

1st edition 1935, PDF 18 pages.
word count: 6854 which is equivalent to 27 standard pages of text
