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The Gen: 10 effects from volume 3
by Aldo Colombini

#1 Coins, Chips & Buttons author
#1 DVD (download+stream) author
#3 Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels author

(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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The Gen: 10 effects from volume 3 by Aldo Colombini


  • TUNED MINDS (Jack Avis): Four spectators chose four numbers which are used to reveal the four Aces (or four selections).
  • HAVE A MATCH (Magini): A novelty funny trick. You offer a match to a spectator and the match rises from the box. A good laugh.
  • TWO BALL TRANSPOSITION (C. King): You show a red and a green ball (or any two colors) and they, using a handkerchief, transpose. A strong effect for any ball routine.
  • A CHANGE OF PLANS (Bill Simon): A nice routine using the four Kings where they follow the leader. One King changes into an Ace and the other Kings change into Aces too.
  • A CARD TRANSPOSITION (Francis Carlyle): A strong transposition between two cards.
  • A NEW FALSE CUT (Eddie Taytelbaum): A fancy and elegant false cut that keeps the top and bottom stock of the deck intact.
  • RED AND BLUE (Bob Haskell): A trick that can be done for parlor. Two selected cards vanish from a blue-backed packet and reappear in the middle of a red-backed packet.
  • THE DROPPED LOOP (Tom Sellers): You form a loop on a piece of string (necklace, etc.). This loop visibly moves down the rope and drops into your hand.
  • GRANT SUFFIX (Ken de Courcy): A ring knotted onto a rope becomes free.
  • FRONT PAGE CARDS (Tonny Van Dommelen): A fantastic routine for stage or close-up. Three cards are selected but apparently you are not able to locate them. You fold a page of a newspaper and with a tear or cut you reveal the first card. You repeat with the second and third card. You will want to use this in your act right away.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Conjuring / Magazines & Journals / Gen

Magic & Conjuring / DVD (download+stream)