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The Great Leon

The Great Leon

(New York City, NY: 5th August 1876 - 13th March 1951)

Stage name of Leon Harry Levy, aka "Chunda Hula" and "Kadan Sami". Top pro vaudeville illusionist. Played Rio de Janeiro in 1909 (as "Transformista Leon"), the London Palladium in 1915, the New York Palace in 1925, and the New York Hippodrome 1928 (at $1,000 per week).

Invented Fire and Water (1913), the Death Ray Gun (1921), and the Light Bulb Cabinet (1928).

Retired by illness around 1931 to live in Hollywood where he became a Mason and member of Los Magicos. In 1937 all his apparatus (3 tons) was sold for $950 to Les Levante. Thru the 1940's again became active by inventing, designing, building, and selling apparatus.

SAM Hall of Fame. Father of Leon M. Leon and grandfather of Les Arnold. See Eugene Gloye (ed), The Great Leon's Miniature Haunted House (1960, 34pp). Bio is Mike Caveney, The Great Leon: Vaudeville Headliner (1987, 133pp).

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★★★★ $9.95
The Great Leon
Miniature Haunted House by The Great Leon

Do it yourself plans, patter, and complete routine.

Seven times a trophy winner at conventions. Invented, designed and routined by the famous professional, The Great Leon, this is not just a trick - it is a complete act - a show in itself. In fully illustrated building plan form, with every detail of the many brilliant effects, patter, presentation, plus many photographs showing the "House" in action. Large detailed Eugene Gloye drawings, all to make it simple to create your own "Haunted House." Act can run to 30 minutes. No assistants. Use anywhere; has been done before 7500 people. Sets...