A colorful butterfly leads a participant to her thought of lucky playing card in an impossible manner. And you can end up leaving an unforgettable souvenir with her. You can play this routine as influence, intuition, mind reading, impossible coincidence, prediction etc.
The Lucky Butterfly is a killer piece with a series of 3 moments of amazement. This works best with female participants whom you may be meeting for the first time. It works equally well with male participants too - just that the butterfly theme goes down a little better with female participants.
You will be using a single business card for one performance and that card can be left with the participant as a memorable souvenir. There is a very easy one-time preparation and the routine itself is very easy to learn and perform. It will take you under a minute to perform this effect. It is quick, easy and powerful.
When you meet a person for the first time and you want to impress her with your mind reading skills, you can start as follows.
"Hi. My name is Annemann (please use your own name here) and I am a mind reader. For the past week or so I have been having a weird intuition or sixth sense that I would be meeting a special person who may fit the description of "The Lucky Butterfly". And now, as soon as I saw you, I felt very sure that YOU are that person. I can foresee a positive change in your life in the near future. Butterflies know the beauty of change. Butterflies are caterpillars that fight back and come out with flying colors. In fact, I've been carrying a picture of The Lucky Butterfly. Here it is. (at this point you take out a business card-sized card from your wallet or pocket and show the picture of a colorful butterfly on one side and a handwritten message on the other side of the card)" ... and with that you start your routine which has a sequence of 3 climaxes.
There are no sleights, no preshow, no stooges or instant stooges. No memory work, no equivoque, no multiple outs, no dual reality, no anagrams, no peeks, no impression devices, no stacks, no marks, no secret writing, no tearing, no one ahead, no switches, no apps or electronics.
1st edition 2024, PDF 19 pages.
word count: 2996 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text