This is volume 3 of a seven-volume series. The Himber Ring Routine and Night Club Magic.
- The Himber Ring Routine and Night Club Magic
- Side 1 [36:53 long]
- Night Club Magic – recording of a performance [0:00]
- Half Dyed Silk [0:00]
- Silk to Egg [4:09]
- Cabaret Magic [8:46}
- Heckler stoppers [11:46]
- Gags and recording your act [23:02]
- Opening Effects [24:18]
- Six Card Repeat [25:06]
- Golf Balls in the Handkerchief [27:37]
- Torn and Restored Letter [27:47]
- Pat Page’s Easy Money [30:35]
- Spots Off Silk [31:55]
- Pat Page’s Easy Money - again [34:27]
- Just Chance [35:29]
- Side 2 [36:20 long]
- Cabaret Magic continued [0:00}
- Opening Effects continued [0:00]
- Just Chance continued [0:00]
- Professor’s Nightmare & notes on menu cards [1:01]
- Invisible Card/Deck Trick [2:44}
- Himber Ring Routine [3:51]
- Recording of performance [22:00]
- Cabaret & Cruses [28:33]
- Opening Effects - again [30:05]
- Red and White Ropes [30:11]
- Himber Ring – again [31:30]
[Note that large parts of the first three volumes were used in The Professional Touch product.]
Length 1 h 13 min