$5(1 customer rating) ★★★★★
This practical method of Cliff Osman can be performed anywhere and is easy to do. The magician's right thumb is tied with a long piece of thick string; two or more knots being used. The left thumb is then bound tightly to the right thumb and the ends of string tied. The string is drawn skin tight around each thumb and all knots are genuine. Now, with his thumbs thus tightly bound together, the performer is able to perform a series of amazing tests. Instantly link your arms with those of the spectators, catch solid hoops or rings on your tied arms, pass your hands "through" table legs, etc., and immediate inspection of tied thumbs at any stage. The best part of this sequence is that all is done under close scrutiny of the audience. In a passage two spectators tightly hold both arms of the performer while a ring penetrates his arms. Later a third spectator joins the previous two, watching from below the performance...all are completely baffled!
The simplest of props are used. Three ordinary hoops, a short rod and a piece of whipcord. This is a really practical method. If you've found all the other methods are not for you, then try this. It may be just what you require.
1st edition 1978, PDF 6 pages.
word count: 2461 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text