Paul Voodini presents Cathy Shadows' Secret Garden, the final PDF in the Cathy Shadows series.
For the serious student and the experienced reader, comes the Secret Garden. This is a fascinating and unique reading technique whereby the sitter is taken on a guided visualization of a beautiful garden. Within the walls of this garden lay the answers to the sitter's most deeply held questions - what did the past mean, what is happening to me now, and how will the future develop?
It is entirely possible to present this reading technique both in an esoteric/psychic manner or as a character analysis whereby the answers to the questions are provided by the sitter's subconscious/imagination.
This technique requires the confidence to interpret symbols and signs provided by the sitter (in a similar style to the interpretation of dreams) and a natural sense of empathy with the sitter - therefore it is only recommended for experienced readers or those with a serious intent to learn and develop as a reader.
With those provisos understood, it should also be said that this is a fascinating and exciting reading technique that will provide hours of pleasure for both the reader and those lucky enough to be given a reading using this most enthralling of techniques.
1st edition 2013, 24 pages.
word count: 6006 which is equivalent to 24 standard pages of text