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The Sphinx Volume 33 (Mar 1934 - Feb 1935)
by John Mulholland


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The Sphinx Volume 33 (Mar 1934 - Feb 1935) by John Mulholland
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NO. 1: MARCH 1934
Is Stage Magic Doomed, Mr. Cardini? By Arthur Punnar.4
The Sphinx Award. Herman L. Weber, professional; Howard Savage, amateur.5
Signs on the Road to Magicland. By David Devant.6
Billet Burning. By Andrew Brennan.6
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines.6
Chinese Magic. By Levante.7
James Stevenson Dies.8
Austrian Magicians. By Ottokar Fischer.9
The Bathing Tent Girl. By Will Goldston.10
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.11
- Let the Audience Do the Work. By Paul Morris.11
- A Rhapsody in Flowers. By Nellini.11
- Topsy-Turvy Ace. By Felice Manna.12
- Telltale Color. By Jack McMillen and Judson S. Brown.12
- Topsy Turvy Cigarette. By Joseph Rukus.12
- Billiard Ball Penetration. By Joseph Rukus.12
- Vanishing Bird Cage. By Kingdon Brown.12
- Cigarette Sleight. By Kingdon Brown.12
- Some Fan Steals and Acquitments. By Bob Fisher.13
- A Four Ace Routine That is Different. By Martin Gardner.13
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller.14
Magic in Print: Los Secretos de Fu Manchu, "The Devil Doctor"; Cheating at Bridge; How'd ja do That?; Jimmy Shannon's At Your Fingertips; Abbott's Magic for Magicians; The Indian Magician; The Three Shell Game.14
Who's Who In Magic: Herbert J. Collings; Geo. P. Reuschling; Ted Heuber.14
Around the World of Magic.15
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson.15
Paris Notes. By Victor Farelli.15
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst.16
Told to the Sphinx.17
Portrait: Robert Heller.19
Editor's Page.20
Squawks. By Frazee.21
25 Years Ago.21
M.U.M. Edited by Shirley L. Quimby.22
- The National Council. By Royal L. Vilas.22
- Convention Notes. By J. Newman.22
- Parent Assembly No. 1.22
- Philadelphia Assembly No. 4.23
- The Kellar-Thurston Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas.23
- Boston Assembly No. 9. By Arthur Monroe.23
- Cleveland Assembly No. 10. By Harold F. Becker.24
- Springfield Assembly No. 17. By Karson.24
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18. By W. Stuart Forsyth.24
- Western Connecticut Assembly No. 20. By H. C. Seltenreich.24
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24. By James Eccles.24
- Harry Rouclere Assembly No. 25. By Zito.25
- Rhode Island Assembly No. 26. By J. LeRoy Tucker.25
A Perfect Thimble Penetration. By Jimmy Shannon.25
Parent Assembly News. Edited by Julien J. Proskauer.26

NO. 2: APRIL 1934
More About The Bird Cage. By Elmer P. Ransom.40
The Cups and Cubes. By Will Blyth M.I.M.C.41
Judges for Award.42
An Apparent Memory Stunt. By R. V. Heath.43
Signs on the Road to Magicland. By David Devant.43
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines.43
Austrian Magicians. By Ottokar Fischer.44
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.45
- A Practical Coin Sleight. By Martin Gardner.45
- The Wandering Silks. By Joseph Rukus.45
- The Wandering Candle. By Joseph Rukus.45
- The Paper That Would Not Stay Wet. By Joseph Rukus.45
- Magic Flowers. By Joseph Rukus.46
- More Rising Cards. By Julian the Magician.46
- The Bent Card Location. By Lynn Searles.46
- The Shuffle Card Location. By Lynn Searles.46
- Fan Acquitment No. 1. By Bob Fisher.46
- An Arrangement for a Poker Deal. By Bob Fisher.47
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst.48
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli.49
Told to the Sphinx.50
Portrait: Dr. Albert M. Wilson.51
Editor's Page.52
Squawks. By Frazee.53
25 Years Ago.53
Magic in Print: Farelli's Card Magic, Part Two; Why You Can't Win; Diachylon Deceptions; The Invisible Influence.54
Strange magic. By Richard A. Miller.54
Who's Who In Magic: Cecil Kennedy Browning; Wilt Geilen; Fred Gower.54
M.U.M. Edited by Shirley L. Quimby.55
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas.55
- The National Convention. By Irving J. Newman.55
- Parent Assembly No. 1.55
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2. By J. H. Diamond.55
- Kellar-Thurston Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas.56
- Boston Assembly No. 9. By Arthur B. Monroe.56
- Cleveland Assembly No. 10. By H. F. Becker.56
- Syracuse Assembly No. 14. By Robert Hondin.56
- Worcester Assembly No. 16. By Willard S. Smith.57
- Springfield Assembly No. 17. By Karson.57
- Assembly No. 18. By W. Stuart Forsyth.57
- Texas Assembly No. 19. By Leath Loder.57
- Washington Assembly No. 23. By C. C. Slayton.58
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24. By James Eccles.58
- Rhode Island Assembly No. 26. By J. L. Tucker.58
Parent Assembly News. Edited by Julien J. Proskauer.59

NO. 3: MAY 1934
If. By Servais LeRoy.72
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines.72
Cards from Hat. By Al Baker.73
The Cups and Cubes. Second Lesson. By Will Blyth, M.I.M.C.74
Signs on the Road to Magicland. By David Devant.75
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.76
- A One-Way Deck That Isn't. By Lynn Searles.76
- Magical Suggestions. By Ralph L. White.76
- Count Your Cards. By William Meyn.76
- Torn and Restored Card. By Manger.77
- A New Reversed Card. By Lynn Searles.77
- Silks and Card. By Ralph J. Muoio.77
- Baffles Says.77
- New Floating and Vanishing Glass. By Malcolm Willis.77
- Fan Acquitment No. 2. By Bob Fisher.77
An X-Ray Surprise. By J. Karson.78
The Magic Ribbon. By Henry Haldane.78
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson.79
Paris Notes. By Victor Farelli.80
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller.80
Who's Who In Magic: Prentiss Hovey Case; W. Irving Severn; Eric James Williams.80
Told to the Sphinx.81
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst.82
Portrait: Servais LeRoy.83
Editor's Page.84
Squawks. By Frazee.85
25 Years Ago.85
M.U.M. Edited by Shirley L. Quimby.86
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas.86
- National Convention. By Irving J. Newman.86
- Parent Assembly No. 1.86
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2. By J. H. Diamond.86
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Dorny.86
- Philadelphia Assembly No. 4. By Bill Hanna.87
- Kellar-Thurston Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas.87
- Boston Assembly No. 9. By Arthur Monroe.88
- Cleveland Assembly No. 10. By H. F. Becker.88
- Central City Assembly No. 14. By J. D. Brick.88
- Worcester Assembly No. 16. By Willard S. Smith.88
- Springfield Assembly No. 17. By Karson.89
- Texas Assembly No. 19. By Leath Loder.89
- Western Connecticut Assembly No. 20. By H. C. Seltenreich.89
- Northern Connecticut Assembly No. 21. By F. Bassett Mordecai.90
- Southern California Assembly No. 22. By Gerald Kosky.90
- Washington Assembly No. 23. By C. C. Slayton.90
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24. By James Eccles.90
- Rhode Island Assembly No. 26. By J. L. Tucker.91
- Quad City Assembly No. 27. By Donald Hendricks.91
Parent Assembly News. Edited by Julien J. Proskauer.93

NO. 4: JUNE 1934
Listing Troubles. By Arthur Punnar.104
Expanding Bowl. By Okito.105
An Alcohol Rub. By Howard Savage.106
Afterwards. Reviewed by Douglas Cragge.106
Signs on the Road to Magicland. By David Devant.107
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines.107
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.108
- The Four Partition Card Easel. By R. M. Jamison.108
- Cameo's (C. T. Boyer) Mental Control.108
- A Subtle Card Code. By Lynn Searles.109
- Mentalkolor. By Nordnes.109
- The Master Card Location. By Herb Runge.109
- Fan Acquitment No. 3. By Bob Fisher.110
- World's Best Coin Sleight. By Baffles.110
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli.111
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst.112
Told to the Sphinx.113
The Editor Goes to Pittsburgh and Batavia. Full reports of the S.A.M. and I.B.M. annual meetings.114
Portrait: Jack Gwynne.117
Editor's Page.118
Squawks. By Frazee.119
25 Years Ago.119
Magic in Print: Cardially Yours Al Baker; Sh-h-h! It's a Secret; Berland's Novel Cigarette Tricks; Magic from A 2 Z; Mickey Offers; Complete Club Act.120
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller.120
Who's Who In Magic: Rudy Walde; Jose Famadas Sobrinho; Nicoll.120
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz.121
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas.121
- Parent Assembly No. 1, Club Night.121
- Omaha Assembly No. 7. By R. H. Hunt.121
- Boston Assembly No. 9. By Irl W. Brown.121
- Central City Assembly No. 14. By Joseph D. Brick.122
- Texas Assembly No. 19. By Leath Loder.122
- Southern California Assembly No. 22. By Arthur Monroe.122
- Kellar-Thurston Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas.123
- Cleveland Assembly No. 10. By Harold F. Becker.123
- Dallas Assembly 13.123
- Washington Assembly No. 23.124
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24. By Jim Eccles.124
- Rhode Island Assembly No. 26. By J. L. Tucker.124
- Quad City Asembly No. 27.124
Parent Assembly News. Edited by Elmer M. Applegit.125

NO. 5: JULY 1934
Grand Performance.132
Patsy's Parasol. By Herman L. Weber.133
Expert Witness.134
Signs on the Road to Magicland. By David Devant.134
The Cups and Cubes. Third Lesson. By Will Blyth, M.I.M.C.135
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.137
- The Aceless Monte. By R. M. Jamison.137
- The 40th Century Silks. By Harold Fess.137
- Two Card Monte. By Lynn Searles.137
- The Magic Spots. By R. M. Jamison.138
- Opening Remarks for Burlesque Mind-Reading Act. By H. W. Runge.138
- A Good Card Trick. By Joseph "Zow" Reach.138
- Novel Color Change. By Herb. Runge.139
- For the Ball of Wool. By Herb. Runge.139
- Fan Acquitment No. four.139
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes by Victor Farelli; German Notes, by Helmut Schreiber.140
The I.M.C. Conclave. Reported by Walter B. Gibson.142
Told to the Sphinx.143
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller.143
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst.144
Portrait: John William Sargent.145
Editor's Page.146
Squawks. By Frazee.147
25 Years Ago.147
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines.147
Magic in Print: At the Touch of a Mystic Wand; Modernism in Pasteboard; The Walter-Kerwin Thumb Prints.148
Who's Who In Magic: William F. McCaa; J. W. Warrender; George L. Weisensel.148
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz.149
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas.149
- Parent Assembly No. 1. By Elmer M. Applegit.149
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Jack Hazlehurst.149
- Philadelphia Assembly No. 4. By Bill Hanna.150
- Kellar-Thurston Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas.150
- Omaha Magical Society Assembly No. 7. By R. H. Hunt.151
- Boston Assembly No. 9. By Arthur Monroe.151
- Western Connecticut Assembly No. 20. By Harry Brock.151
- Northern Connecticut Assembly No. 21. By F. Bassett Mordecai.151
- Southern California Assembly No. 22.151
- Washington Assembly No. 23. B yC. C. Slayton.152
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24. By Edmond F. Charette.152
- Quad City Assembly No. 27. By Donald Hendricks.152
Parent Assembly News. Edited by Elmer M. Applegit.153

NO. 6: AUGUST 1934
Herrmann Brothers.160
The Penetrating Card. By Nate Leipzig.161
Cut and Restored Turban. By Dr. E. G. Ervin.162
Mental Dates. By F. Wright Moxley.162
"A Fox Raps-a-Day". By Romuald Codare.162
The Rex Pull. By Harry R. Hauptmann.163
A New Card Set-Up. By S. G. Simpson.163
O. F. Color Change. By Ottokar Fischer.163
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.164
- A Mental Card Effect. By Bob Fisher.164
- A Coin Routine. By Herb. Runge.164
- New Silk Manipulation. By R. E. Quest.165
- New Fake Bag. By Joseph Rukus.166
- How Come? By Joseph (Muhi) Reach.166
- A Baffling Card Effect. By Nordnes.166
- The Four Ace Trick Again. By Herb. Runge.166
- Cameo (C. T. Boyer) Presents: Hofzinser Idea; Hull Idea; Hugard Idea; A Lane Idea; Cameo's Three Card Routine.167
- Baffles Says.167
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines.167
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli.168
A Point in Favor of Repeal. By Howard Savage.168
Routine Publicity.169
Among the Magician. By Bernard M. L. Ernst.170
Told to the Sphinx.171
"Successful Attributes". By John Booth.172
These Are Things I Would Like to Do Again. By Theo Dore.172
Portrait: Wilfrid Jonson.173
Editor's Page.174
Squawks. By Frazee.175
25 Years Ago.175
With a Shoe Horn. By Jacques Morintell.175
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller.176
New Science Aids for Magic. By Howard H. Hotchner.176
Magic in Print: Tricks that Mystify; Magical Masterpieces.176
Who's Who In Magic: Abel Blanche; Bernard Zufall; Henry de Valette.176
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz.177
- President's Monthly Letter. By W. R. Walsh.177
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas.177
- 1935 Conference Notes.177
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Jack Hazlehurst.177
- Philadelphia Assembly No. 4. By Bill Hanna.178
- Kellar-Thurston Assembly No. 6.178
- Cleveland Assembly No. 10. By H. F. Becker.179
- Springfield Assembly No. 17. By Karson.179
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18. By Jean Foley.179
- Western Connecticut Assembly No. 20. By Harry Brock.179
- Northern Connecticut Assembly No. 21. By F. Bassett Mordecai.180
- Southern California Assembly No. 22.180
- News Flash. By Gerald Kosky.180
- Washington Assembly No. 23.180

The Cost of Copying.188
Three Tricks from Japan. By Ishida Tenkai.189
Elmer The Great.190
Visiting England.190
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines.190
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.191
- Red and Black. By Bob Fisher.191
- Production of a Rabbit. By Joseph Rukus.191
- Cameo's Riffle Palm. By C. T. Boyer.192
- The Spectator Glorified. By Cameo.192
- The Producing Stand. By Joseph Rukus.192
- Card and Envelope Trick. By Nordness.192
- Vanishing Silks. By Joseph Rukus.193
- An Improved Nikola Spelling Bee. By Barkann Rosinoff.193
- The Ptriotic Pitcher. By Sam Mackey.193
- New Twentieth Century Routine. By R. D. Spraker, Jr.193
- Another Tip for Ball Manipulators. By Gene Norris.193
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli.194
How to Qualify for Favorable Publicity. Second article on routine publicity.195
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst.196
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller.196
Pacific Coast Magicians' Association Convention. By Clement Fisher, Jr.197
Who's Who In Magic: Herman L. Weber; Remi Ceillier; Leslie George Vante-Cole.197
John Nevil Maskelyne. By Sydney W. Clarke.198
Portrait: John Nevil Maskelyne.199
Editor's Page.200
Squawks. By Frazee.201
25 Years Ago.201
Told to the Sphinx.202
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz.203
- President's Monthly Letter. By W. R. Walsh.203
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas.203
- 1935 Conference Notes.203
- Assembly No. 3. By Henry Haldane.203
- Rambling Around the World's Fair. By Henry Haldane.204
- Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas.204
- Assembly No. 20. By Harry Brock.205
- Assembly No. 21. By F. Bassett Mordecai.205
- Assembly No. 22. By Gerald Kosky.205
- Assembly No. 23. By C. C. Slayton.206
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24. By Edmond F. Charette.206
- Quad City Assembly No. 27.206
Bergen Movie Star.206
Dr. Stanaback Dies.206

NO. 8: OCTOBER 1934
Cups and Balls Bibliography.220
While at Lunch. By Elmer P. Ransom, Nate Leipzig and John Mulholland.221
A New Front Finger Thimble Palm. By Jacob Daley, M.D.222
Production of Seven Solid Billiard Balls. By Sherman Ripley (Dr. Chang).222
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.223
- An All Square Book Test. By Bob Fisher.223
- The White Silk. By Joseph Rukus.224
- Corn Popped Corn. By Joseph Rukus.224
- Behind Your Back Location. By Cameo (C. T. Boyer).224
- Dictionary Mystery. By Cameo (C. T. Boyer).224
- Cameo's Pet Control. By Cameo (C. T. Boyer).225
- A Color Change. By Kingdon Brown.225
- Cheerful Aces. By Marcus Bloch.225
- A Home-Made Sympathetic Silk Stand. By Gus E. Carlstrom.225
- A Thimble Change-Over. By Eugen Norris.225
- Four Ace Routine. By Kingdon Brown.225
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli.226
Depew Dies.226
Hauenstain Dies.226
"Canned" Publicity. Third Article on routine publicity.227
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst.228
Told to the Sphinx.229
Charles Dickens, The Magician. By Edward Francis Rines.230
Portrait: Bautier DeKolta.231
Editor's Page.232
Squawks. By Frazee.233
25 Years Ago.233
Production from a Silk. By S. Fogelman.233
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller.235
Magic in Print: The Calostro Mind-Reading Act; Suckers All; Sensational Poison Swallowing Act; Grant's Thirteen Mysteries; Grant's Patter Folio; Ireland's Year Book for 1934; Card Transmission; Clever Card Tricks; Klever Kard Kodes; A Royal Command.235
For the Shell Game. By Harry Percival.235
Who's Who In Magic: William Wisnewski; Louis Dumoulin; Louis Codbecq.235
Red and Black Sympathy. By Lynn Searles.236
The Giant's Breath. By Fred Mintz.236
The Drum-Head Tumbler. By Lu Brent.236
New Slave Bangle. By Charles Rubens.236
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz.237
- President's Monthly Letter. By W. R. Walsh.237
- National Council.237
- 1935 Conference Notes.237
- Assembly No. 3. By Jack Hazlehurst.237
- Assembly No. 4. By Bill Hanna.238
- Assembly No. 6. By Phil T. Thomas.238
- Assembly No. 9. By Arthur Monroe.239
- Assembly No. 11. By Joseph S. Schreck.239
- Assembly No. 19. By Leath Loder.239
- Assembly No. 20. By Harry Brock.239
- Assembly No. 22. By Gerald Kosky.240
- Assembly No. 23. By C. C. Slayton.240
Parent Assembly News. By Elmer M. Applegit.241

NO. 9: NOVEMBER 1934
A Real Magician. By Al Baker.256
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines.256
Another Luncheon Conversation. By Al Baker, U.F. Grant and John Mulholland.257
Have You a Match? By Pat Carbone.258
Flower Pot to Fishbowl. By Howard Savage.258
Diminishing Cards. By R. M. Jamison.258
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.259
- A Live Stock Suggestion. By Frank Gsura.259
- Changing Liquids. By William Meyn.259
- Turned to Stone. By V. H. Gaddis.259
- Thimble Blowing Act. By Ernest J. Partington.259
- The Baffling Cylinder. By Joseph Rukus.260
- Watch Into a Can of Tomatoes. By Tom Osborne.260
- Rising Card from Confetti. By J. Brown.261
- The Enchanted Thimble. By Marcus Bloch.261
Publicity Material. Fourth article on routine publicity.262
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli; German Notes, by Karl Schroeder.263
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst.264
New York State Conclave. By Richard Du Bois.264
Told to the Sphinx.265
The Wizard of the North. John Henry Anderson. By Sydney W. Clarke.266
Portrait: John Henry Anderson, Great Wizard of the North.267
Editor's Page.268
Squawks. By Frazee.269
25 Years Ago.269
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller.270
Who's Who In Magic: John Braun; Reginald Simpson; Jules Bonduelle.270
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz.271
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas.271
- President's Monthly Letter. By W. R. Walsh.271
- Assembly No. 3. By Jack Hazlehurst.271
- Assembly No. 4.272
- Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas.272
- Assembly No. 9. By Arthur Monroe.272
- Assembly No. 10. By Harold F. Becker.273
- Assembly No. 11. By Joseph S. Schreck.273
- Assembly No. 18. By Jean Foley.273
- Assembly No. 19. By Leath Loder.273
- Assembly No. 20. By Harry Brock.273
- Assembly No. 21. By Vincent Boyer, Jr.273
- Assembly No. 22. By Gerald Kosky.274
- Assembly No. 23. By C. C. Slayton.274
- Assembly No. 26.274
Parent Assembly News. By Elmer M. Applegit.275

NO. 10: DECEMBER 1934
Ade Duval.292
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines.292
The Bungalow Mystery. By George LaFollette (Rush Ling Toy).293
A Silk Transposition. By Luiz Mariti.294
Comedy Cigarette. By Lu Brent.294
The Hindu Rice Bowls. By Henry Haldane.294
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.295
- Impromptu Card to Match Box. By Don Dod.295
- Three Card Monte Wrinkle. By Cameo (C. T. Boyer).295
- Mindreader. By Ernest J. Partington.295
- Multiple Thimble Production. By Lynn Searles.295
- Comedy Interlude. By Charles A. Leedy.296
- Vanishing Cane Hint. By Tom Osborne.296
- Billiard Ball Move. By Ernest J. Partington.296
- A Novel Torn and Restored Card. By Raymond McClow.296
- Magical Suggestions No. 2. By Ralph White.296
- The Mistaken Identity. By M. C. Blackstar.297
- Floating Power. By Sam Mackey.297
- A Thimble Color Change. By Fred Mintz.297
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli.298
Uferini Dies. By Karl Schroder.298
The Christmas Conjuror.299
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst.300
Told to the Sphinx.301
The Triple Alliance. Servais LeRoy, Imro Fox and Frederick Eugene Powell.302
Photo: Frederick Eugen Powell, Imro Fox, Servais LeRoy.303
Editor's Page.304
Squawks. By Frazee.305
25 Years Ago.305
Magic in Print: How to Become a Conjurer; The Adventures of a Boy Magician; Here's How; Card Manipulations; Oriental Magic.305
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller.306
Promise Not to Expose Magic.306
Who's Who In Magic: Frank Olkowski; Clarence Silva; Gaston Goy.306
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz.307
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas.307
- 1935 Conference Notes. By Charles H. Small.307
- New York No. 1. By Elmer Applegit.307
- Philadelphia No. 4. By Meyenberg.307
- Baltimore No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas.308
- Omaha No. 7.308
- Boston No. 9. By Harrison G. Dodge.308
- Ohio No. 10. By Harold F. Becker.308
- Syracuse No. 14. By Donald D. Ansman.309
- Pittsburgh No. 18. By Jean G. Foley.309
- Connecticut No. 20. By Harry Brock.309
- Connecticut No. 21. By Vin. Boyar.309
- California No. 22. By Gerald Kosky.310
- Washington No. 23. By C. C. Slayton.310
- Rouclere No. 25. By Thomas Protzman.310
- Rhode Island No. 26. By C. Foster Fenner.310
- Quad City No. 27. By Donald Hendrick.310
Parent Assembly News. By Elmer M. Applegit.311

NO. 11: JANUARY 1935
The One-Man Fountain Illusion. By L. Lionel.333
The Great Production Screen. By John A. Sznek.334
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.335
- Paper-Mint. By Harry Bernstein.335
- A Good Comedy Effect. By Gus E. Carlstrom.335
- Some New Ideas. By R. M. Jamison.335
- "Telepato" By T. Nordnes.336
- No Shorts. By L. Herbert King.336
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson.337
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst.338
Told to the Sphinx.339
"Good Sirs and Gentlemen, I Give You Dreams." By John Northern Hilliard.340
Portrait: Douglas Dexter.341
Editor's Page.342
Squawks. By Frazee.343
25 Years Ago.343
Paris Notes. By Victor Farelli.343
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller.344
Who's Who In Magic: Lynn Searles; Pierre Tessier; W. R. Anderson.344
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz.345
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas.345
- Baltimore No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas.345
- Omaha No. 7. By R. H. Hunt.345
- Boston No. 9. By Arthur Monroe.345
- Cleveland No. 10. By Harold F. Becker.345
- Syracuse No. 14. By E. R. Hall.345
- California No. 2. By James H. Diamond.346
- Connecticut No. 20. By Harry Brock.346
- Connecticut No. 21. By Vincent Boyer, Jr.346
- California No. 22. By Gerald Kosky.347
- Washington No. 23. By C. C. Slayton.347
- Albany No. 24. By E. F. Charette.347
- Rhode Island No. 26. By C. Foster Fenner.347
- Iowa No. 27. By Donald Hendricks.348
- Chicago No. 3. By Jack Hazlehurst.348
Parent Assembly News. By Elmer M. Applegit.349

NO. 12: FEBRUARY 1935
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines.360
Cigarette Manipulation. By S. E. Gaudette & J. Gingras.361
Penetrating Coin. By Medrano Blackstar.362
Tavern Trickery. By Milbourne Christopher.362
Did You Know. By Aladdin.362
The Ubiquitous Confetti and Milk. By Lynn Searles.362
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles.363
- The Materialized Bouquet. By Joseph Rukus.363
- Ventriloquial Oddities. By Charles A. Leedy.363
- Super Mentality Test. By R. M. Jamison.363
- Cone and Ball Effect. By Lester Avery.364
- The Removable Block. By Joseph Rukus.364
- A Silk Routine. By Rowan D. Spraker, Jr.364
- New Mouth Ball Sleight. By Yale Meyer.364
- Some Magic Ideas. By M. C. Blackstar.364
- Lighted Lanterns From Hat. By J. Brown.365
A Spook Ph.D.365
Magician Reformer.365
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli; Some African Magicians, by W. L. Speight.366
More Against Exposing.367
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst.368
Told to the Sphinx.369
Doctor Lynn. By Syndey W. Clarke.370
Engraving: Philippe (Philippe Talon).371
Editor's Page.372
Squawks. By Frazee.373
25 Years Ago.373
Tricks on the Market.373
Magic in Print: Close Up Magic; Card Manipulations; Master Club Trick With Patter; History and Origin of Playing Cards.373
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller.374
How to Split Cards. By Gerald Lynton Kaufman.374
Who's Who In Magic: B. Carlow; Maurice Chevallier; Jules Dhotel.374
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz.375
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas.375
- New York No. 1. By Elmer Applegit.375
- Chicago No. 3. By Jack Hazlehurst.375
- Philadlephia No. 4. By Meyenberg.376
- Baltimore No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas.376
- Boston No. 9. By Arthur Monroe.376
- Syracuse No. 14. By Donald D. Ausman.377
- Springfield No. 17. By Lionel A. Walker.377
- Pittsburgh No. 18. By Jean G. Foley.377
- Texas No. 19. By Leath Loder.378
- Connecticut No. 20. By B. Harry Brock.378
- California No. 22. By Gerald Kosky.378
- Washington No. 23. By C. C. Slayton.378
- New Jersey No. 25. By Thomas Protzman.378
Parent Assembly News. By Elmer M. Applegit.379

word count: 369419 which is equivalent to 1477 standard pages of text