NO. 1: MARCH 1934 | |
Is Stage Magic Doomed, Mr. Cardini? By Arthur Punnar. | 4 |
The Sphinx Award. Herman L. Weber, professional; Howard Savage, amateur. | 5 |
Signs on the Road to Magicland. By David Devant. | 6 |
Billet Burning. By Andrew Brennan. | 6 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. | 6 |
Chinese Magic. By Levante. | 7 |
James Stevenson Dies. | 8 |
Austrian Magicians. By Ottokar Fischer. | 9 |
The Bathing Tent Girl. By Will Goldston. | 10 |
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles. | 11 |
- Let the Audience Do the Work. By Paul Morris. | 11 |
- A Rhapsody in Flowers. By Nellini. | 11 |
- Topsy-Turvy Ace. By Felice Manna. | 12 |
- Telltale Color. By Jack McMillen and Judson S. Brown. | 12 |
- Topsy Turvy Cigarette. By Joseph Rukus. | 12 |
- Billiard Ball Penetration. By Joseph Rukus. | 12 |
- Vanishing Bird Cage. By Kingdon Brown. | 12 |
- Cigarette Sleight. By Kingdon Brown. | 12 |
- Some Fan Steals and Acquitments. By Bob Fisher. | 13 |
- A Four Ace Routine That is Different. By Martin Gardner. | 13 |
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller. | 14 |
Magic in Print: Los Secretos de Fu Manchu, "The Devil Doctor"; Cheating at Bridge; How'd ja do That?; Jimmy Shannon's At Your Fingertips; Abbott's Magic for Magicians; The Indian Magician; The Three Shell Game. | 14 |
Who's Who In Magic: Herbert J. Collings; Geo. P. Reuschling; Ted Heuber. | 14 |
Around the World of Magic. | 15 |
London Notes. By Wilfrid Jonson. | 15 |
Paris Notes. By Victor Farelli. | 15 |
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst. | 16 |
Told to the Sphinx. | 17 |
Portrait: Robert Heller. | 19 |
Editor's Page. | 20 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 21 |
25 Years Ago. | 21 |
M.U.M. Edited by Shirley L. Quimby. | 22 |
- The National Council. By Royal L. Vilas. | 22 |
- Convention Notes. By J. Newman. | 22 |
- Parent Assembly No. 1. | 22 |
- Philadelphia Assembly No. 4. | 23 |
- The Kellar-Thurston Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas. | 23 |
- Boston Assembly No. 9. By Arthur Monroe. | 23 |
- Cleveland Assembly No. 10. By Harold F. Becker. | 24 |
- Springfield Assembly No. 17. By Karson. | 24 |
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18. By W. Stuart Forsyth. | 24 |
- Western Connecticut Assembly No. 20. By H. C. Seltenreich. | 24 |
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24. By James Eccles. | 24 |
- Harry Rouclere Assembly No. 25. By Zito. | 25 |
- Rhode Island Assembly No. 26. By J. LeRoy Tucker. | 25 |
Cartoon. | 25 |
A Perfect Thimble Penetration. By Jimmy Shannon. | 25 |
Parent Assembly News. Edited by Julien J. Proskauer. | 26 |
NO. 2: APRIL 1934 | |
More About The Bird Cage. By Elmer P. Ransom. | 40 |
The Cups and Cubes. By Will Blyth M.I.M.C. | 41 |
Judges for Award. | 42 |
An Apparent Memory Stunt. By R. V. Heath. | 43 |
Signs on the Road to Magicland. By David Devant. | 43 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. | 43 |
Austrian Magicians. By Ottokar Fischer. | 44 |
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles. | 45 |
- A Practical Coin Sleight. By Martin Gardner. | 45 |
- The Wandering Silks. By Joseph Rukus. | 45 |
- The Wandering Candle. By Joseph Rukus. | 45 |
- The Paper That Would Not Stay Wet. By Joseph Rukus. | 45 |
- Magic Flowers. By Joseph Rukus. | 46 |
- More Rising Cards. By Julian the Magician. | 46 |
- The Bent Card Location. By Lynn Searles. | 46 |
- The Shuffle Card Location. By Lynn Searles. | 46 |
- Fan Acquitment No. 1. By Bob Fisher. | 46 |
- An Arrangement for a Poker Deal. By Bob Fisher. | 47 |
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst. | 48 |
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli. | 49 |
Told to the Sphinx. | 50 |
Portrait: Dr. Albert M. Wilson. | 51 |
Editor's Page. | 52 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 53 |
25 Years Ago. | 53 |
Magic in Print: Farelli's Card Magic, Part Two; Why You Can't Win; Diachylon Deceptions; The Invisible Influence. | 54 |
Strange magic. By Richard A. Miller. | 54 |
Who's Who In Magic: Cecil Kennedy Browning; Wilt Geilen; Fred Gower. | 54 |
M.U.M. Edited by Shirley L. Quimby. | 55 |
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas. | 55 |
- The National Convention. By Irving J. Newman. | 55 |
- Parent Assembly No. 1. | 55 |
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2. By J. H. Diamond. | 55 |
- Kellar-Thurston Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas. | 56 |
- Boston Assembly No. 9. By Arthur B. Monroe. | 56 |
- Cleveland Assembly No. 10. By H. F. Becker. | 56 |
- Syracuse Assembly No. 14. By Robert Hondin. | 56 |
- Worcester Assembly No. 16. By Willard S. Smith. | 57 |
- Springfield Assembly No. 17. By Karson. | 57 |
- Assembly No. 18. By W. Stuart Forsyth. | 57 |
- Texas Assembly No. 19. By Leath Loder. | 57 |
- Washington Assembly No. 23. By C. C. Slayton. | 58 |
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24. By James Eccles. | 58 |
- Rhode Island Assembly No. 26. By J. L. Tucker. | 58 |
Parent Assembly News. Edited by Julien J. Proskauer. | 59 |
NO. 3: MAY 1934 | |
If. By Servais LeRoy. | 72 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. | 72 |
Cards from Hat. By Al Baker. | 73 |
The Cups and Cubes. Second Lesson. By Will Blyth, M.I.M.C. | 74 |
Signs on the Road to Magicland. By David Devant. | 75 |
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles. | 76 |
- A One-Way Deck That Isn't. By Lynn Searles. | 76 |
- Magical Suggestions. By Ralph L. White. | 76 |
- Count Your Cards. By William Meyn. | 76 |
- Torn and Restored Card. By Manger. | 77 |
- A New Reversed Card. By Lynn Searles. | 77 |
- Silks and Card. By Ralph J. Muoio. | 77 |
- Baffles Says. | 77 |
- New Floating and Vanishing Glass. By Malcolm Willis. | 77 |
- Fan Acquitment No. 2. By Bob Fisher. | 77 |
An X-Ray Surprise. By J. Karson. | 78 |
The Magic Ribbon. By Henry Haldane. | 78 |
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson. | 79 |
Paris Notes. By Victor Farelli. | 80 |
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller. | 80 |
Who's Who In Magic: Prentiss Hovey Case; W. Irving Severn; Eric James Williams. | 80 |
Told to the Sphinx. | 81 |
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst. | 82 |
Portrait: Servais LeRoy. | 83 |
Editor's Page. | 84 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 85 |
25 Years Ago. | 85 |
M.U.M. Edited by Shirley L. Quimby. | 86 |
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas. | 86 |
- National Convention. By Irving J. Newman. | 86 |
- Parent Assembly No. 1. | 86 |
- Golden Gate Assembly No. 2. By J. H. Diamond. | 86 |
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Dorny. | 86 |
- Philadelphia Assembly No. 4. By Bill Hanna. | 87 |
- Kellar-Thurston Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas. | 87 |
- Boston Assembly No. 9. By Arthur Monroe. | 88 |
- Cleveland Assembly No. 10. By H. F. Becker. | 88 |
- Central City Assembly No. 14. By J. D. Brick. | 88 |
- Worcester Assembly No. 16. By Willard S. Smith. | 88 |
- Springfield Assembly No. 17. By Karson. | 89 |
- Texas Assembly No. 19. By Leath Loder. | 89 |
- Western Connecticut Assembly No. 20. By H. C. Seltenreich. | 89 |
- Northern Connecticut Assembly No. 21. By F. Bassett Mordecai. | 90 |
- Southern California Assembly No. 22. By Gerald Kosky. | 90 |
- Washington Assembly No. 23. By C. C. Slayton. | 90 |
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24. By James Eccles. | 90 |
- Rhode Island Assembly No. 26. By J. L. Tucker. | 91 |
- Quad City Assembly No. 27. By Donald Hendricks. | 91 |
Parent Assembly News. Edited by Julien J. Proskauer. | 93 |
NO. 4: JUNE 1934 | |
Listing Troubles. By Arthur Punnar. | 104 |
Expanding Bowl. By Okito. | 105 |
An Alcohol Rub. By Howard Savage. | 106 |
Afterwards. Reviewed by Douglas Cragge. | 106 |
Signs on the Road to Magicland. By David Devant. | 107 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. | 107 |
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles. | 108 |
- The Four Partition Card Easel. By R. M. Jamison. | 108 |
- Cameo's (C. T. Boyer) Mental Control. | 108 |
- A Subtle Card Code. By Lynn Searles. | 109 |
- Mentalkolor. By Nordnes. | 109 |
- The Master Card Location. By Herb Runge. | 109 |
- Fan Acquitment No. 3. By Bob Fisher. | 110 |
- World's Best Coin Sleight. By Baffles. | 110 |
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli. | 111 |
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst. | 112 |
Told to the Sphinx. | 113 |
The Editor Goes to Pittsburgh and Batavia. Full reports of the S.A.M. and I.B.M. annual meetings. | 114 |
Portrait: Jack Gwynne. | 117 |
Editor's Page. | 118 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 119 |
25 Years Ago. | 119 |
Magic in Print: Cardially Yours Al Baker; Sh-h-h! It's a Secret; Berland's Novel Cigarette Tricks; Magic from A 2 Z; Mickey Offers; Complete Club Act. | 120 |
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller. | 120 |
Who's Who In Magic: Rudy Walde; Jose Famadas Sobrinho; Nicoll. | 120 |
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz. | 121 |
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas. | 121 |
- Parent Assembly No. 1, Club Night. | 121 |
- Omaha Assembly No. 7. By R. H. Hunt. | 121 |
- Boston Assembly No. 9. By Irl W. Brown. | 121 |
- Central City Assembly No. 14. By Joseph D. Brick. | 122 |
- Texas Assembly No. 19. By Leath Loder. | 122 |
- Southern California Assembly No. 22. By Arthur Monroe. | 122 |
- Kellar-Thurston Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas. | 123 |
- Cleveland Assembly No. 10. By Harold F. Becker. | 123 |
- Dallas Assembly 13. | 123 |
- Washington Assembly No. 23. | 124 |
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24. By Jim Eccles. | 124 |
- Rhode Island Assembly No. 26. By J. L. Tucker. | 124 |
- Quad City Asembly No. 27. | 124 |
Parent Assembly News. Edited by Elmer M. Applegit. | 125 |
NO. 5: JULY 1934 | |
Grand Performance. | 132 |
Patsy's Parasol. By Herman L. Weber. | 133 |
Expert Witness. | 134 |
Signs on the Road to Magicland. By David Devant. | 134 |
The Cups and Cubes. Third Lesson. By Will Blyth, M.I.M.C. | 135 |
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles. | 137 |
- The Aceless Monte. By R. M. Jamison. | 137 |
- The 40th Century Silks. By Harold Fess. | 137 |
- Two Card Monte. By Lynn Searles. | 137 |
- The Magic Spots. By R. M. Jamison. | 138 |
- Opening Remarks for Burlesque Mind-Reading Act. By H. W. Runge. | 138 |
- A Good Card Trick. By Joseph "Zow" Reach. | 138 |
- Novel Color Change. By Herb. Runge. | 139 |
- For the Ball of Wool. By Herb. Runge. | 139 |
- Fan Acquitment No. four. | 139 |
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes by Victor Farelli; German Notes, by Helmut Schreiber. | 140 |
The I.M.C. Conclave. Reported by Walter B. Gibson. | 142 |
Told to the Sphinx. | 143 |
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller. | 143 |
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst. | 144 |
Portrait: John William Sargent. | 145 |
Editor's Page. | 146 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 147 |
25 Years Ago. | 147 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. | 147 |
Magic in Print: At the Touch of a Mystic Wand; Modernism in Pasteboard; The Walter-Kerwin Thumb Prints. | 148 |
Who's Who In Magic: William F. McCaa; J. W. Warrender; George L. Weisensel. | 148 |
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz. | 149 |
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas. | 149 |
- Parent Assembly No. 1. By Elmer M. Applegit. | 149 |
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Jack Hazlehurst. | 149 |
- Philadelphia Assembly No. 4. By Bill Hanna. | 150 |
- Kellar-Thurston Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas. | 150 |
- Omaha Magical Society Assembly No. 7. By R. H. Hunt. | 151 |
- Boston Assembly No. 9. By Arthur Monroe. | 151 |
- Western Connecticut Assembly No. 20. By Harry Brock. | 151 |
- Northern Connecticut Assembly No. 21. By F. Bassett Mordecai. | 151 |
- Southern California Assembly No. 22. | 151 |
- Washington Assembly No. 23. B yC. C. Slayton. | 152 |
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24. By Edmond F. Charette. | 152 |
- Quad City Assembly No. 27. By Donald Hendricks. | 152 |
Parent Assembly News. Edited by Elmer M. Applegit. | 153 |
NO. 6: AUGUST 1934 | |
Herrmann Brothers. | 160 |
The Penetrating Card. By Nate Leipzig. | 161 |
Cut and Restored Turban. By Dr. E. G. Ervin. | 162 |
Mental Dates. By F. Wright Moxley. | 162 |
"A Fox Raps-a-Day". By Romuald Codare. | 162 |
The Rex Pull. By Harry R. Hauptmann. | 163 |
A New Card Set-Up. By S. G. Simpson. | 163 |
O. F. Color Change. By Ottokar Fischer. | 163 |
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles. | 164 |
- A Mental Card Effect. By Bob Fisher. | 164 |
- A Coin Routine. By Herb. Runge. | 164 |
- New Silk Manipulation. By R. E. Quest. | 165 |
- New Fake Bag. By Joseph Rukus. | 166 |
- How Come? By Joseph (Muhi) Reach. | 166 |
- A Baffling Card Effect. By Nordnes. | 166 |
- The Four Ace Trick Again. By Herb. Runge. | 166 |
- Cameo (C. T. Boyer) Presents: Hofzinser Idea; Hull Idea; Hugard Idea; A Lane Idea; Cameo's Three Card Routine. | 167 |
- Baffles Says. | 167 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. | 167 |
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli. | 168 |
A Point in Favor of Repeal. By Howard Savage. | 168 |
Routine Publicity. | 169 |
Among the Magician. By Bernard M. L. Ernst. | 170 |
Told to the Sphinx. | 171 |
"Successful Attributes". By John Booth. | 172 |
These Are Things I Would Like to Do Again. By Theo Dore. | 172 |
Portrait: Wilfrid Jonson. | 173 |
Editor's Page. | 174 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 175 |
25 Years Ago. | 175 |
With a Shoe Horn. By Jacques Morintell. | 175 |
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller. | 176 |
New Science Aids for Magic. By Howard H. Hotchner. | 176 |
Magic in Print: Tricks that Mystify; Magical Masterpieces. | 176 |
Who's Who In Magic: Abel Blanche; Bernard Zufall; Henry de Valette. | 176 |
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz. | 177 |
- President's Monthly Letter. By W. R. Walsh. | 177 |
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas. | 177 |
- 1935 Conference Notes. | 177 |
- Chicago Assembly No. 3. By Jack Hazlehurst. | 177 |
- Philadelphia Assembly No. 4. By Bill Hanna. | 178 |
- Kellar-Thurston Assembly No. 6. | 178 |
- Cleveland Assembly No. 10. By H. F. Becker. | 179 |
- Springfield Assembly No. 17. By Karson. | 179 |
- Pittsburgh Assembly No. 18. By Jean Foley. | 179 |
- Western Connecticut Assembly No. 20. By Harry Brock. | 179 |
- Northern Connecticut Assembly No. 21. By F. Bassett Mordecai. | 180 |
- Southern California Assembly No. 22. | 180 |
- News Flash. By Gerald Kosky. | 180 |
- Washington Assembly No. 23. | 180 |
NO. 7: SEPTEMBER 1934 | |
The Cost of Copying. | 188 |
Three Tricks from Japan. By Ishida Tenkai. | 189 |
Elmer The Great. | 190 |
Visiting England. | 190 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. | 190 |
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles. | 191 |
- Red and Black. By Bob Fisher. | 191 |
- Production of a Rabbit. By Joseph Rukus. | 191 |
- Cameo's Riffle Palm. By C. T. Boyer. | 192 |
- The Spectator Glorified. By Cameo. | 192 |
- The Producing Stand. By Joseph Rukus. | 192 |
- Card and Envelope Trick. By Nordness. | 192 |
- Vanishing Silks. By Joseph Rukus. | 193 |
- An Improved Nikola Spelling Bee. By Barkann Rosinoff. | 193 |
- The Ptriotic Pitcher. By Sam Mackey. | 193 |
- New Twentieth Century Routine. By R. D. Spraker, Jr. | 193 |
- Another Tip for Ball Manipulators. By Gene Norris. | 193 |
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli. | 194 |
How to Qualify for Favorable Publicity. Second article on routine publicity. | 195 |
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst. | 196 |
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller. | 196 |
Pacific Coast Magicians' Association Convention. By Clement Fisher, Jr. | 197 |
Who's Who In Magic: Herman L. Weber; Remi Ceillier; Leslie George Vante-Cole. | 197 |
John Nevil Maskelyne. By Sydney W. Clarke. | 198 |
Portrait: John Nevil Maskelyne. | 199 |
Editor's Page. | 200 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 201 |
25 Years Ago. | 201 |
Told to the Sphinx. | 202 |
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz. | 203 |
- President's Monthly Letter. By W. R. Walsh. | 203 |
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas. | 203 |
- 1935 Conference Notes. | 203 |
- Assembly No. 3. By Henry Haldane. | 203 |
- Rambling Around the World's Fair. By Henry Haldane. | 204 |
- Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas. | 204 |
- Assembly No. 20. By Harry Brock. | 205 |
- Assembly No. 21. By F. Bassett Mordecai. | 205 |
- Assembly No. 22. By Gerald Kosky. | 205 |
- Assembly No. 23. By C. C. Slayton. | 206 |
- Robert Houdin Assembly No. 24. By Edmond F. Charette. | 206 |
- Quad City Assembly No. 27. | 206 |
Bergen Movie Star. | 206 |
Dr. Stanaback Dies. | 206 |
NO. 8: OCTOBER 1934 | |
Cups and Balls Bibliography. | 220 |
While at Lunch. By Elmer P. Ransom, Nate Leipzig and John Mulholland. | 221 |
A New Front Finger Thimble Palm. By Jacob Daley, M.D. | 222 |
Production of Seven Solid Billiard Balls. By Sherman Ripley (Dr. Chang). | 222 |
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles. | 223 |
- An All Square Book Test. By Bob Fisher. | 223 |
- The White Silk. By Joseph Rukus. | 224 |
- Corn Popped Corn. By Joseph Rukus. | 224 |
- Behind Your Back Location. By Cameo (C. T. Boyer). | 224 |
- Dictionary Mystery. By Cameo (C. T. Boyer). | 224 |
- Cameo's Pet Control. By Cameo (C. T. Boyer). | 225 |
- A Color Change. By Kingdon Brown. | 225 |
- Cheerful Aces. By Marcus Bloch. | 225 |
- A Home-Made Sympathetic Silk Stand. By Gus E. Carlstrom. | 225 |
- A Thimble Change-Over. By Eugen Norris. | 225 |
- Four Ace Routine. By Kingdon Brown. | 225 |
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli. | 226 |
Depew Dies. | 226 |
Hauenstain Dies. | 226 |
"Canned" Publicity. Third Article on routine publicity. | 227 |
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst. | 228 |
Told to the Sphinx. | 229 |
Charles Dickens, The Magician. By Edward Francis Rines. | 230 |
Portrait: Bautier DeKolta. | 231 |
Editor's Page. | 232 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 233 |
25 Years Ago. | 233 |
Production from a Silk. By S. Fogelman. | 233 |
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller. | 235 |
Magic in Print: The Calostro Mind-Reading Act; Suckers All; Sensational Poison Swallowing Act; Grant's Thirteen Mysteries; Grant's Patter Folio; Ireland's Year Book for 1934; Card Transmission; Clever Card Tricks; Klever Kard Kodes; A Royal Command. | 235 |
For the Shell Game. By Harry Percival. | 235 |
Who's Who In Magic: William Wisnewski; Louis Dumoulin; Louis Codbecq. | 235 |
Red and Black Sympathy. By Lynn Searles. | 236 |
The Giant's Breath. By Fred Mintz. | 236 |
The Drum-Head Tumbler. By Lu Brent. | 236 |
New Slave Bangle. By Charles Rubens. | 236 |
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz. | 237 |
- President's Monthly Letter. By W. R. Walsh. | 237 |
- National Council. | 237 |
- 1935 Conference Notes. | 237 |
- Assembly No. 3. By Jack Hazlehurst. | 237 |
- Assembly No. 4. By Bill Hanna. | 238 |
- Assembly No. 6. By Phil T. Thomas. | 238 |
- Assembly No. 9. By Arthur Monroe. | 239 |
- Assembly No. 11. By Joseph S. Schreck. | 239 |
- Assembly No. 19. By Leath Loder. | 239 |
- Assembly No. 20. By Harry Brock. | 239 |
- Assembly No. 22. By Gerald Kosky. | 240 |
- Assembly No. 23. By C. C. Slayton. | 240 |
Parent Assembly News. By Elmer M. Applegit. | 241 |
NO. 9: NOVEMBER 1934 | |
A Real Magician. By Al Baker. | 256 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. | 256 |
Another Luncheon Conversation. By Al Baker, U.F. Grant and John Mulholland. | 257 |
Have You a Match? By Pat Carbone. | 258 |
Flower Pot to Fishbowl. By Howard Savage. | 258 |
Diminishing Cards. By R. M. Jamison. | 258 |
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles. | 259 |
- A Live Stock Suggestion. By Frank Gsura. | 259 |
- Changing Liquids. By William Meyn. | 259 |
- Turned to Stone. By V. H. Gaddis. | 259 |
- Thimble Blowing Act. By Ernest J. Partington. | 259 |
- The Baffling Cylinder. By Joseph Rukus. | 260 |
- Watch Into a Can of Tomatoes. By Tom Osborne. | 260 |
- Rising Card from Confetti. By J. Brown. | 261 |
- The Enchanted Thimble. By Marcus Bloch. | 261 |
Publicity Material. Fourth article on routine publicity. | 262 |
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli; German Notes, by Karl Schroeder. | 263 |
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst. | 264 |
New York State Conclave. By Richard Du Bois. | 264 |
Told to the Sphinx. | 265 |
The Wizard of the North. John Henry Anderson. By Sydney W. Clarke. | 266 |
Portrait: John Henry Anderson, Great Wizard of the North. | 267 |
Editor's Page. | 268 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 269 |
25 Years Ago. | 269 |
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller. | 270 |
Who's Who In Magic: John Braun; Reginald Simpson; Jules Bonduelle. | 270 |
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz. | 271 |
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas. | 271 |
- President's Monthly Letter. By W. R. Walsh. | 271 |
- Assembly No. 3. By Jack Hazlehurst. | 271 |
- Assembly No. 4. | 272 |
- Assembly No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas. | 272 |
- Assembly No. 9. By Arthur Monroe. | 272 |
- Assembly No. 10. By Harold F. Becker. | 273 |
- Assembly No. 11. By Joseph S. Schreck. | 273 |
- Assembly No. 18. By Jean Foley. | 273 |
- Assembly No. 19. By Leath Loder. | 273 |
- Assembly No. 20. By Harry Brock. | 273 |
- Assembly No. 21. By Vincent Boyer, Jr. | 273 |
- Assembly No. 22. By Gerald Kosky. | 274 |
- Assembly No. 23. By C. C. Slayton. | 274 |
- Assembly No. 26. | 274 |
Parent Assembly News. By Elmer M. Applegit. | 275 |
NO. 10: DECEMBER 1934 | |
Ade Duval. | 292 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. | 292 |
The Bungalow Mystery. By George LaFollette (Rush Ling Toy). | 293 |
A Silk Transposition. By Luiz Mariti. | 294 |
Comedy Cigarette. By Lu Brent. | 294 |
The Hindu Rice Bowls. By Henry Haldane. | 294 |
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles. | 295 |
- Impromptu Card to Match Box. By Don Dod. | 295 |
- Three Card Monte Wrinkle. By Cameo (C. T. Boyer). | 295 |
- Mindreader. By Ernest J. Partington. | 295 |
- Multiple Thimble Production. By Lynn Searles. | 295 |
- Comedy Interlude. By Charles A. Leedy. | 296 |
- Vanishing Cane Hint. By Tom Osborne. | 296 |
- Billiard Ball Move. By Ernest J. Partington. | 296 |
- A Novel Torn and Restored Card. By Raymond McClow. | 296 |
- Magical Suggestions No. 2. By Ralph White. | 296 |
- The Mistaken Identity. By M. C. Blackstar. | 297 |
- Floating Power. By Sam Mackey. | 297 |
- A Thimble Color Change. By Fred Mintz. | 297 |
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli. | 298 |
Uferini Dies. By Karl Schroder. | 298 |
The Christmas Conjuror. | 299 |
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst. | 300 |
Told to the Sphinx. | 301 |
The Triple Alliance. Servais LeRoy, Imro Fox and Frederick Eugene Powell. | 302 |
Photo: Frederick Eugen Powell, Imro Fox, Servais LeRoy. | 303 |
Editor's Page. | 304 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 305 |
25 Years Ago. | 305 |
Magic in Print: How to Become a Conjurer; The Adventures of a Boy Magician; Here's How; Card Manipulations; Oriental Magic. | 305 |
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller. | 306 |
Promise Not to Expose Magic. | 306 |
Who's Who In Magic: Frank Olkowski; Clarence Silva; Gaston Goy. | 306 |
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz. | 307 |
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas. | 307 |
- 1935 Conference Notes. By Charles H. Small. | 307 |
- New York No. 1. By Elmer Applegit. | 307 |
- Philadelphia No. 4. By Meyenberg. | 307 |
- Baltimore No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas. | 308 |
- Omaha No. 7. | 308 |
- Boston No. 9. By Harrison G. Dodge. | 308 |
- Ohio No. 10. By Harold F. Becker. | 308 |
- Syracuse No. 14. By Donald D. Ansman. | 309 |
- Pittsburgh No. 18. By Jean G. Foley. | 309 |
- Connecticut No. 20. By Harry Brock. | 309 |
- Connecticut No. 21. By Vin. Boyar. | 309 |
- California No. 22. By Gerald Kosky. | 310 |
- Washington No. 23. By C. C. Slayton. | 310 |
- Rouclere No. 25. By Thomas Protzman. | 310 |
- Rhode Island No. 26. By C. Foster Fenner. | 310 |
- Quad City No. 27. By Donald Hendrick. | 310 |
Parent Assembly News. By Elmer M. Applegit. | 311 |
NO. 11: JANUARY 1935 | |
The One-Man Fountain Illusion. By L. Lionel. | 333 |
The Great Production Screen. By John A. Sznek. | 334 |
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles. | 335 |
- Paper-Mint. By Harry Bernstein. | 335 |
- A Good Comedy Effect. By Gus E. Carlstrom. | 335 |
- Some New Ideas. By R. M. Jamison. | 335 |
- "Telepato" By T. Nordnes. | 336 |
- No Shorts. By L. Herbert King. | 336 |
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson. | 337 |
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst. | 338 |
Told to the Sphinx. | 339 |
"Good Sirs and Gentlemen, I Give You Dreams." By John Northern Hilliard. | 340 |
Portrait: Douglas Dexter. | 341 |
Editor's Page. | 342 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 343 |
25 Years Ago. | 343 |
Paris Notes. By Victor Farelli. | 343 |
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller. | 344 |
Who's Who In Magic: Lynn Searles; Pierre Tessier; W. R. Anderson. | 344 |
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz. | 345 |
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas. | 345 |
- Baltimore No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas. | 345 |
- Omaha No. 7. By R. H. Hunt. | 345 |
- Boston No. 9. By Arthur Monroe. | 345 |
- Cleveland No. 10. By Harold F. Becker. | 345 |
- Syracuse No. 14. By E. R. Hall. | 345 |
- California No. 2. By James H. Diamond. | 346 |
- Connecticut No. 20. By Harry Brock. | 346 |
- Connecticut No. 21. By Vincent Boyer, Jr. | 346 |
- California No. 22. By Gerald Kosky. | 347 |
- Washington No. 23. By C. C. Slayton. | 347 |
- Albany No. 24. By E. F. Charette. | 347 |
- Rhode Island No. 26. By C. Foster Fenner. | 347 |
- Iowa No. 27. By Donald Hendricks. | 348 |
- Chicago No. 3. By Jack Hazlehurst. | 348 |
Parent Assembly News. By Elmer M. Applegit. | 349 |
NO. 12: FEBRUARY 1935 | |
Cardini. | 360 |
Charlie Leedy's Patter Lines. | 360 |
Cigarette Manipulation. By S. E. Gaudette & J. Gingras. | 361 |
Penetrating Coin. By Medrano Blackstar. | 362 |
Tavern Trickery. By Milbourne Christopher. | 362 |
Did You Know. By Aladdin. | 362 |
The Ubiquitous Confetti and Milk. By Lynn Searles. | 362 |
Current Magic: Edited by Baffles. | 363 |
- The Materialized Bouquet. By Joseph Rukus. | 363 |
- Ventriloquial Oddities. By Charles A. Leedy. | 363 |
- Super Mentality Test. By R. M. Jamison. | 363 |
- Cone and Ball Effect. By Lester Avery. | 364 |
- The Removable Block. By Joseph Rukus. | 364 |
- A Silk Routine. By Rowan D. Spraker, Jr. | 364 |
- New Mouth Ball Sleight. By Yale Meyer. | 364 |
- Some Magic Ideas. By M. C. Blackstar. | 364 |
- Lighted Lanterns From Hat. By J. Brown. | 365 |
A Spook Ph.D. | 365 |
Magician Reformer. | 365 |
Around the World of Magic: London Notes, by Wilfrid Jonson; Paris Notes, by Victor Farelli; Some African Magicians, by W. L. Speight. | 366 |
More Against Exposing. | 367 |
Among the Magicians. By Bernard M. L. Ernst. | 368 |
Told to the Sphinx. | 369 |
Doctor Lynn. By Syndey W. Clarke. | 370 |
Engraving: Philippe (Philippe Talon). | 371 |
Editor's Page. | 372 |
Squawks. By Frazee. | 373 |
25 Years Ago. | 373 |
Tricks on the Market. | 373 |
Magic in Print: Close Up Magic; Card Manipulations; Master Club Trick With Patter; History and Origin of Playing Cards. | 373 |
Strange Magic. By Richard A. Miller. | 374 |
How to Split Cards. By Gerald Lynton Kaufman. | 374 |
Who's Who In Magic: B. Carlow; Maurice Chevallier; Jules Dhotel. | 374 |
M.U.M. Edited by Walter A. Schwartz. | 375 |
- National Council. By Royal L. Vilas. | 375 |
- New York No. 1. By Elmer Applegit. | 375 |
- Chicago No. 3. By Jack Hazlehurst. | 375 |
- Philadlephia No. 4. By Meyenberg. | 376 |
- Baltimore No. 6. By Philip T. Thomas. | 376 |
- Boston No. 9. By Arthur Monroe. | 376 |
- Syracuse No. 14. By Donald D. Ausman. | 377 |
- Springfield No. 17. By Lionel A. Walker. | 377 |
- Pittsburgh No. 18. By Jean G. Foley. | 377 |
- Texas No. 19. By Leath Loder. | 378 |
- Connecticut No. 20. By B. Harry Brock. | 378 |
- California No. 22. By Gerald Kosky. | 378 |
- Washington No. 23. By C. C. Slayton. | 378 |
- New Jersey No. 25. By Thomas Protzman. | 378 |
Parent Assembly News. By Elmer M. Applegit. | 379 |