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The Ultimate Coke Vanish
by Devin Knight

#3 Illusions, Escape & Stage author
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The Ultimate Coke Vanish by Devin Knight

A step ahead of the old coke vanish in a paper tube, with a kicker ending to fry any audience. Magician shows a bottle of coke and actually moves it around so the audience can see it is full of coke. Yes, you can see the liquid in the bottle! He puts a small white paper tube over the coke bottle, the tube is only about half the height of the bottle. He drapes a small see-through silk over the bottle and suddenly the coke vanishes. He blows the silk through the paper tube to further prove it is empty. Ok, you are thinking, this is an old idea, BUT...there is more. The magician then unrolls the paper tube showing it empty and tosses the paper in the audience for examination. One of the most baffling coke vanishes ever conceived. Comes with full directions on how to do this killer effect with the standard coke vanish.

Remember, you will need to have the vanishing coke in tube trick or you will have to buy one. This effect is available from most dealers. This PDF will take your trick to a new level of mystery.

1st edition 2013, 8 pages.
word count: 2295 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text