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The Ultimate Magic Square (King of Hearts)
by Chris Wasshuber


(1 review, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

The Ultimate Magic Square (King of Hearts) by Chris Wasshuber

"I've been doing magic 40 years, and this may be one of my five favorite tricks. Excellent thinking. Hard to top." - Clyde Hayre, US.

A spectator is asked to throw three fair dice (this is an absolute fair throw or even just a mental throw - no force here). From the number fairly thrown you construct a perfect magic square. For a kicker, the cards are put together and the face of a King of Hearts appears.

There is no palming of cards or exchanging of decks or anything like it. You work with 16 cards and 16 cards only without any sleight-of-hand.

You get 16 specially printed cards (each card is 6cm x 9cm). A four-page description with a detailed explanation and performance ideas. A short description in German is included as well. If you order the PDF version you will not get any printed cards, but you will get print-ready files to print out your own set of cards, as well as the instructions in English.

"Ingenious - blows my mind every single time." - David Malek

"... it's an easy-to-do, effective, and very intriguing trick." - Stephen Hobbs in Magic Magazine.

"I think it's great!" - Jon Racherbaumer

Also checkout the That's Magic version.
word count: 1750 which is equivalent to 7 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Alexander Shulyatsky (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Monday 15 July, 2024

This is a very clever trick!

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / Science & Math Tricks

Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Self-Working or Sleightless

Magic & Mentalism / Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks