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Three Killers
by Scott F. Guinn

#3 Comedy Magic author
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Three Killers by Scott F. Guinn


Not only are these routines powerful and commercial, they are easy to learn and perform! These are the three most-performed coin routines from Scott's arsenal--the bread and butter material he has used to make a living for years. Scott has held nothing back: the routines are masterfully explained, profusely photo-illustrated, and include all the subtleties and nuances, along with complete, professional performance scripts! The three effects can be performed one right after the other to form an entire coin set--in fact, that's exactly how Scott performs them, and he explains how. There is good variety between the routines, and audiences absolutely love all three!

Magic Western Union - a commercial coins across (Flying Eagles) routine. Many have said this is the most entertaining presentation ever for this effect.

Invisible Coins of a Different Color - a copper coin and a silver coin are shown. One at a time, they turn invisible and then visible again. Incredibly magical!

In-Tin-Tin - an amazing, entertaining, and commercial signed coin to nest of boxes. The Guinn difference? The Nest is in view and under guard of a spectator BEFORE the coin is borrowed, and the SPECTATOR opens all the boxes to find his signed coin!

34 pages, 43 photo illustrations, complete professional performance scripts!

Level: Easy-intermediate

There's a reason why I've been a Scott Guinn fan for a long time. These three routines are the proof why I am. Scott left no stone unturned. Use all three of the routines for a set or do just one. It doesn't matter. The reactions you get will be amazing. Highly Recommended!!!!! - Tim Feher

You're going to want to add Three Killers to your coin magic library and immediately to your repertoire. You get all you need here in this instant download to begin doing some fabulous coin work, plus any questions you might have, Scott's always available and answers the bell every time. It's a lot of well thought out work at an amazing value; an absolute steal. More great work from Great Scott that I highly recommend. - Marion Boykin

These are not "YouTube Wonders." The fact that Scott did not release them until they had YEARS of work says VOLUMES for the workability of these effects. With just "Invisible Coins of a Different Color" in the book, I'd recommend it, even if the other two effects were lousy. And they're not! - Chet Cox

I highly recommend you get ALL of Scott's work. The presentation for Magic Western Union is really fun. My favorite line: "I've got you on file now, so it's even quicker...Dit!" If that makes no sense to you, well, then you'll just have to pick up this PDF and all will be revealed! - Ben Salinas

Magic Western Union is not only killer, but it's a workhorse routine. It's commercial, resets effortlessly, and is easy to do. Thank goodness you also don't have to take out a loan to get special coins --you can use quarters and a jumbo coin. It's Scott's "go to" routine and it kills. (Yes, I have seen him perform this for real people.) I think what sets this apart is the jumbo coin transformation at the end. It is eye candy in the extreme, and even when you know what he's doing and know what is coming, the transformation is still amazing and magical. Get the e-book just for this routine, and you will have a solid piece of magic that you can and will perform constantly. The other two routines are icing on the cake. - Darrin Cook

1st edition 2009; 34 pages.
word count: 6267 which is equivalent to 25 standard pages of text