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Two Sides of the Same Coin
by Scott F. Guinn

#3 Comedy Magic author
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Two Sides of the Same Coin by Scott F. Guinn

Three powerful coin magic routines with "tricky coins"--professionally routined, complete with patter! Easy of execution, but strong and commercial!

Scott has held nothing back: the routines are masterfully explained, profusely photo-illustrated, and include all the subtleties and nuances, along with complete, professional performance scripts! The three effects can be performed one right after the other to form an entire coin set--in fact, that's exactly how Scott performs them. There is good variety between the routines, and audiences absolutely love all three.

Kung-Fooled - a twisted take on the Thieves and Sheep plot, with a surprising (yet logical) finish!

Simplex Multiple Spellbound - Do you like the Spellbound effect? Well how does THIS grab you: FOUR silver coins change to FOUR copper coins with no false moves and both hands are completely clean! Then the FOUR copper coins magically change to FOUR Chinese Coins! You end totally clean--everything may be examined!

Many Happy Returns - A half dollar visibly and instantly multiplies to three half dollars! Then a quarter and a dime appear, magically, visually, and very cleanly. All but one of the coins suddenly vanish, and that last coin VISIBLY turns into a JUMBO (3 inch) coin in the PARTICIPANT'S HAND! Once again, you end C-L-E-A-N!

34 pages, 33 photos/illustrations, complete professional performance scripts!

Level: Easy-intermediate

I just finished reading over this E-Book by Scott. It has some very nice routines using various "special coins", most of which you probably already have. As always, Scott does a great job explaining the routines, with fantastic photos and Scott's now famous Sleight Index. My favorite routine is the "Simplex Multiple Spellbound". It's a very clever take on John Mendoza's routine "Multiple Spellbound". Scott explains how to make a very cheap, easy coin clip. I made one and it is awesome. He discusses his use of combining two sleights, "The Crossing the Gaze Switch" with "The Bobo Switch", to create a very powerful deception within the routine. It is Scott's understanding of the psychology of magic that help him to create really good routines like this. Folks, for those of you who are not familiar with Scott, his 20 plus years of performing and seriously studying magic have turned him into one of the most knowledgeable magicians I know. His insights, his ability to take sleights and methods and "turn them sideways" or use them for something else than originally intended has created some fantastic magic. If you like doing coin magic using various "special coins" than I highly recommend picking this one up. These routines are great workers. Nice job Scott! - Hank Morfin

1st edition 2010; 34 pages.
word count: 5089 which is equivalent to 20 standard pages of text