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Tips on the Foo Can and Funnel
by Imp Smith


(1 customer rating) ★★★★★

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Tips on the Foo Can and Funnel by Imp Smith

A collection of proven, tested routines using the Foo Can and Comedy Funnel that will liven up any show.

In the eyes of a spectator, tricks with liquids are always cause for wonder. Since many performers don't feature liquid effects in their act, this presents a golden opportunity for the wide-awake magician.

From the Foreword by T. A. Whitney:

Those who present magic with water, milk, beer, soda pop, etc. will be long remembered by their audiences. And that, my friend, is a strong recommendation for adopting one of these tricks in your repertoire.

Partial contents:

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Color Changing Wine
  • Water Uphill
  • Wine Thru Plate Glass
  • Elbow Pump
  • Patriotic Waters
  • Bringing Up Old Matters
  • Evaporated Milk
  • In One Ear and Out the Other
  • About the Author
  • Thank You

"A fine book with some valuable information. Recommended." - Seymour Ziegler

"Smith is noted for his zany presentations. In this book he explains seven of his routines with these two props which almost every magician has. Here's one. A black liquid is poured into the can. This is poured through the funnel into a glass — but it comes out red. In Imp's hands this is most effective." - Milbourne Christopher

1st edition 1959, PDF 15 pages.
word count: 2971 which is equivalent to 11 standard pages of text