Things that nobody ever taught about hypnosis.
There are a lot of popular sources on stage/street hypnosis and all of them teach you what you need to know to be a successful hypnotist but miss out/under explore certain WHATs and WHYs like –
- What is the difference between conscious and sub-conscious mind?
- Why do hypnotists often change their pace of speech?
- Why is it difficult to hypnotise children?
- Why should we dress well when Hypnosis is all verbal?
- What effect does fractionation have on our mind?
- and many more..
There are no tricks or skits in here; this is just knowledge that you’ll read. Knowledge that will deepen your love and understanding for hypnosis and will elevate your performance of hypnosis.
When you purchase this you'll get an explanation video (a digital white board video) that superficially goes through the WHATs and WHYs and a short but informative PDF file that explains the same in detail.
1st edition 2017, length 12 pages + video: 9 min 50 s
word count: 3082 which is equivalent to 12 standard pages of text