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Home / Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

by Al Mann

Tr-Id by Al Mann

Effect: Mentalist displays a board with many designs and colors. Three persons are invited to secretly choose one design each. Mentalist passes out three pieces of art board and tells the three persons to secretly draw their chosen designs on the boards. They are then instructed to think of their designs and color. Mentalist divines all three designs and colors. That is the effect and that is exactly what happens. Mentalist can walk into any audience and do the test without any previous preparation.

Uncannily, the three persons code their thoughts to the mentalist through insignificant "body language" that only the mentalist can read.

Note that this manuscript comes unbound in a package of loose sheets, the way Al Mann stored them. You can bind them anyway you like, or leave them unbound, perhaps only hole punch them and put them in a binder.

7 pages

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism

Magic & Mentalism / Books (printed)