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Travel Chaos
by Graham Hey


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Travel Chaos by Graham Hey

Tricks about travel and more.

Here's a selection of cool self-working magic and mentalism tricks perfect for close-up and stand-up.

For example: The spectator freely selects a luggage label that has a holiday destination written on it. When a world map is opened, their chosen destination is circled.

Or how about this: A selection of postcards is shown - they're moved from the back of the pile to the front. When the spectator calls 'STOP!' the very next postcard is the only one with a hand-written message on it.

Or: Three luggage labels with vacation destinations written on them are offered to a spectator - and even though the magician's back is turned, he can instantly tell who is going where. A deviously clever effect.

There's something here for everyone. There are five tricks, a great visual gag and several more ideas for routines using the methods described. There are fabulous, easy-to-learn tricks, plus a killer visual gag which you should use in every performance as it always gets a huge laugh. And don't worry if you're not keen on 'vacation destination' effects, then fear not, as there are alternative ideas for all the tricks included. Don't miss this.

1st edition 2022, PDF 12 pages.
word count: 11482 which is equivalent to 45 standard pages of text

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