Ever had an audience member ask, "How did you do that?" and found yourself at a loss for words? Say goodbye to awkward moments and hello to effortless responses with How Did You Do That? by Regardt Laubscher.
This essential ebook is packed with 50 clever and entertaining answers designed specifically for magicians. Whether you're performing on stage or up close, these responses will keep your audience intrigued and your secrets safe.
Why you'll love this ebook:
1500 One-liners for magicians.
Unlock the magic of laughter with Abraca-Laughter, the definitive collection of one-liner jokes crafted exclusively for magicians. Over the past three decades, Wolfgang Riebe has penned a treasure trove of short, punchy joke booklets across a multitude of magical themes. Now, he brings them all together in one indispensable volume, enriched with additional fresh and hilarious new material.
Inside this must-have ebook, you'll discover 1500 jokes in over 50 different categories, each packed with witty one-liners designed to elevate your act. Whether you're...
"Scott's work reminds me of the magic I loved from late masters like Tommy Wonder or Fred Kaps and I sometimes found the scripts possibly superior to such masters." - Etienne Lorenceau
"I am also a big fan of your scripts." - Floyd Collins
Excerpt from the introduction:
Within the pages of this ebook you will not find explanations for new tricks. You won't even find explanations for old tricks. What you will find are presentations for a number of standard tricks or plots (what magicians sometimes call "patter"), as well as a few ideas on how to present some things in a way that has worked well for me....
For the first time in the English language one of the most highly successful magical plays of all time. From the pen of Fu Manchu (David Bamberg) comes Satan's Daughter, a lost treasure of the history of magic, until now unknown in the English-speaking world of magic.
Fu Manchu (David Bamberg) was the son of the great Okito and the sixth generation of magicians, originally from the Netherlands. He toured for decades with one of the finest full-evening magic shows, mostly in Latin America but also in Spain. Fu Manchu wrote and performed several magic plays of which Satan's Daughter is among the...
Using storytelling to not only effectively enhance effects, but also your show.
As a performer, I generally prefer the methods of the tricks I choose to be simple, the plots clear, and the magic...well, magical. I use stories to draw the audience in. To find interest in not only the effect I am presenting but also in me.
The Why and Way - How I use Stories, that help ensure my audiences remember Me and not just the effects.
Kiss Me Fate - a Tarot effect
Till’ Death Do Us Part - A haunting effect with an old letter, two wedding rings, and a string.
Soul Fate -...
175 one-liner jokes for magicians.
This unique joke ebook is a treasure trove of 175 politically correct one-liners designed exclusively for magicians. Crafted with thoughtful consideration for diverse audiences, "Harmonious Humor" ensures that every joke remains inclusive, respectful, and delightful for all. From apprentices mastering their first tricks to seasoned illusionists, each page sparkles with humour that's sure to charm any audience.
Within these pages, readers will discover an enchanting array of jokes specifically crafted to tickle the funny bones of magic enthusiasts. Packed...
A presentation for any book test that uses the flashback method.
Have you heard of the Bookbearer? This is a storytelling, bizarre presentation to be used with any book with the "flashback" principle. If you own such a book, you could use this.
I see many performers using such books, some presentations are good, but most are not as they merely riffle the pages, tell the subject to stop them and remember the first word on the page, and then reveal it. Bah. Here you will tell the brief story of the Bookbearer, and in the end, either subtly suggest you're the actual Bookbearer. Or that you're...
Excerpt from the Preface:
Magic is an art. And I believe art depicts life. So it is obvious that magic must also depict life. But a mere trick can not depict life. Hence a trick is not art.
The trick with its secret and the strength within it to create surprise is a mere gadget. Utilising this gadget (trick) the magician creates the art which is called Magic. It has got similarity to other art forms also. A Painter creates a picture with brush and colour. A Sitar Player plays a sitar to create Ragas. Similarly the Magician creates Magic with the use of a trick. The more the presentation...
Here's a cool new ebook that everyone should have. How many hundreds of dollars have you spent on tricks you don't use? Well here's a priceless collection that includes some hilarious ways for you to 'select' someone to help you on stage or for close-up.
There are visual gags, a few one-liners and a dozen or so fun ways to involve your audience. From frisbees-to-fruit, you'll win them over before you even begin with these brilliant bits of business.
We love the 'Pineapple in the bag' gag which is so much fun and a guarenteed laugh-getter! Plus, there's a very clever bonus trick called...
Excerpt from the preface:
Many magicians have told me they would like to obtain a good book on patter, that would fit some of the more modern tricks, and patter that could be used for various tricks.
Feeling that such a book would have a big sale and wishing to accommodate these seekers after original patter, which could be made use of while presenting some of the very latest tricks, I have taken upon myself the task of producing this handy vest pocket volume and trust it may be of much value in improving the acts of many magicians.
Although you may not care to use it word for word...
From the introduction:
I think that among the first requirements that people make of a magician, or of a "society entertainer," as some of our young stars term themselves nowadays, is that he be really clever, - clever not only with his hands, so that he can give a creditable performance without lumbering up their drawing rooms with a hack full of gorgeous hangings, but also with his mouth, in that he be able to talk to them in their own terms about the tricks he does.
A further selection of magical patter and other novelties, including chapeaugraphy and papertearing.
1st edition 1927, 14 pages; PDF 12 pages.
The reader will find in this volume witty and appropriate patter suitable for almost any and every trick. Including patter and hints for tricks with coins, eggs, birds, handkerchiefs, bird cages, oranges, ribbons, bottles, glasses, water, tubes, etc.
1st edition 1927, 14 pages; PDF 14 pages.
A simple and easy form of drawing that anyone can do.
From the introduction:
Much of the information given in this booklet is invaluable and some of it has not appeared in other publications; certainly, if you are considering including lightning cartoons in your repertoire, you will find items to interest you in this booklet.
1st edition 1940, 43 pages; PDF 19 pages.
If you do any type of an "instant-stooge" trick using cards (for example Karrel Fox's "Gift of the Magi"), you know there's a chance that the volunteer will name the wrong card. This is an "out" for that situation. There are no real gimmicks, no difficult handling, and it almost instantly resets. The out is a non-R/S version of the Brainwave Deck based on an idea by Martin Peirce.
NOTE: This can be used as a standalone effect also.
1st edition 2022, 13 pages.
The trick PictoTranspo by Gene Anderson is a wonderful reframing of a Roy Johnson trick. In the trick, two large pictures - one drawn by the volunteer - swap places, even though the pictures are marked on the back with the volunteer's and magician's names.
A logical and funny script is included that covers why the trick is being done, and even allows you to pick any volunteer.
Note: This trick is not fully explained. You must own the trick to be able to perform it.
1st edition 2021, 17 pages.
A collection of gags, laugh lines, one-liners, and bits classified to cover all kinds of situations. Including a series of three articles on the task of the compere. An ebook for all who entertain with magic.
The pro guide to better compèring.
From the introduction by Billy McComb:
He's written a leaflet ... I shall not call it a book ... on Compering ... this bearded idiot. I've read it and regrettably he seems to know what he's talking about. I have written a bit to make the omissions less glaring ... but blast me cups and balls, he does appear to know what he's on about. And he does get booked to do it ... and at good money too. Forgive me. I must leave you ...
1st edition 1984, 13 pages; PDF 14 pages.
An age old penetration of your own thumb using a string or chain has been revisited and reworked into a clever and deceptive trick. Simple. Easy to perform. Surrounded. No gimmicks, no gaffs.
A classic of magic we all learned early on and never do, as it's not a very good trick. Until now. The trick has been transformed into a very cute and clever brain teaser with nothing more than a little modified handling and some clever scripting.
1st edition 2021, PDF 24 pages, video 1 min 48 s.
The world has changed - radically! Being an entertainer and telling jokes has gone from 'having fun' with the audience to complaints about every possible issue. Political Correctness now rules. Whatever your view on the issue, the new reality is that all entertainers now need to be more aware than ever before not to offend an audience member. Hence the need for one-liner jokes that are non-political, non-religious, non-sexual, and just about non-everything.
As much as is humanly possible, jokes from past books and new ones have been combined in the ebook that will 'hopefully' not offend anyone....
An easy to do show that you can also perform online and via video-conference. Hints, tips, ideas, novelties, patter, presentation and surprises enabling you to easily present ... a complete lightning cartoon act.
Here is great material, the cream of material collected from several out-of-print publications - over thirty Cartoon stunts plus "How Stage Cartoonists draw their pay" by Tommy Windsor an article that is packed with valuable information and ideas to help you become a Lightning Cartoonist. A feature act for any program. A welcome break in an all-magic show. Skill in drawing is not...
As entertainers we must use every tool available to delivery our magic to the audience. Body language, often not considered, enhances the connection, compliments the communication and directly impacts the entertainment factor. This ebook identifies body language. It is an attempt to bring the skills associated with theater into the hands of the magician. We have to play to those in the back row and balcony. The best approach is to entertain using your full body.
A multi-phase ring and rope routine using only a regular rope and ring.
Most ring and rope routines don't really look like magic. They look like the rope is looped and threaded and re-threaded, and otherwise fiddled with to account for the "magic". Not this routine. Simple. Easy to perform. Almost surrounded. No gimmicks, no gaffs. Everything's examinable, and nothing is added or taken away. A rope - and a ring. And a killer script.
The author of How To Write A Script reveals his 'Ring and Rope' routine, which he has used to close his act, and is nothing but visual, clean magic. This ebook gives you every...
An attractive rapid sketching act suitable for any entertainment. Easily acquired by means of the guide to presentations, non-technical self-instructor. Includes 30 exclusive lightning, reversible, and plain line sketches. Accompanied with the appropriate and witty patter. Anyone can do it. Little practice required. No preparation necessary.
A lightning sketch lecture.
The presentation of this amusing "Lightning Sketching" act involves no particular skill. Very little practice is required to produce the drawings that illustrate the booklet.
This ebook can also function as an introduction to learning to draw, because it takes the reader from the most simple beginnings of drawing (dots and straight lines) all the way to rather impressive sketches which can be achieved literally with a few well placed strokes.
This will go up to $3 from May 15th, 2023.
Psychabulary is instant psychic vocabulary to impress your audiences. Psychabulary is a 'system' which gives you instant ability to use about 1000 different 'alpha' phrases which make you seem like a highly qualified psychology expert
Create instant scientific sounding phrases for your patter whether it is a magic trick or a mentalism effect you may be performing, without even a moment's hesitation. Give instant justification to any magic or mentalism process, again without even a moment's hesitation. Give instant explanations for any magical phenomenon...
A parlor/small stage version of the Gypsy Thread that does not rely on florescent thread, but instead uses yarn. It comes complete with a offbeat and funny script.
1st edition 2020, PDF 21 pages.
The most popular magic tricks amongst magicians are card tricks, yet there are few jokes and sayings that cover those ‘quiet’ moments between tricks and moves. Here you will find many. What about just adding some comedy entertainment to your next card trick? Looking for the right quick one-line joke - you should find one, or many more here.
1st edition 2020, PDF 15 pages.
From the Foreword:
"Patterettes" is not really a book of Patter. Personally I do not believe in ready-made Patter; which is like ready-made clothing - must be altered to suit the individual. "Patterettes" is rather a collection of snappy little gags that may be added to your patter at your discretion. I do not claim originality for what is to follow: some are original but many are not. They are taken from my "gag books" in which I have collected many notes of little sayings, jokes, etc. which I have made suitable for patter in connection with conjuring and the allied arts.
From the preface:
Patter fulfils very useful purposes. It serves to entertain and keep an audience in a good humour, also it occupies their minds, and is invaluable as an aid to misdirection. The patter herein has been carefully written round each effect, with due allowance for necessary moves, misdirection and dramatic effect. Obviously much of it can be used for other magical effects, if required, and most performers will doubtless make alterations to suit their own particular style.
A script and methodology for doing the classic Clippo trick that will make you and your audience appreciate the beauty and mystery of a small, easy to carry trick.
Clippo is a trick that is wonderful on paper, and useless in reality. For such a clever trick, there never seems to be an appropriate reaction. And frankly, the trick has no ending and occasionally fails.
In this manuscript, you'll learn:
This is the pocket trick of the universe. And this is the best ebook ever written on it. You may have seen this performed by a carnival pitchman or magic demonstrator at a fair or exhibition. Briefly the effect is that a tiny little mouse scampers all over the place. It walks along the hand, it turns left, right and even rolls over. It will scamper out of a glass and hop from one deck of cards to another. It is a sensation!
Also included in this ebook is a description of the Magic Coin trick and the Spooky Pencil trick. The pencil trick in particular is a fabulous trick in it's own right...
Here's an entertaining, 40-60 minute lecture that you, the magical performer, can present on the topic of paying attention to avoid getting taken in by scams, cons and crooked politicians. And it's a money-maker, too.
Entertain your talk with magic: Your audience will not only be informed, but entertained with magic effects that you likely already have, or modestly priced items easily obtained from most any dealer. This newly revised edition also includes three effects recommended by Larsen, that you would previously have had to buy separately.
This lecture is in demand: Not a magic show...
How to lasso a chosen card. Complete methodology as well as script and performance video included. Full performance rights allowed.
It is a version that makes sense. The magician explains that as a child at summer vacation, he learned how to lasso mosquitoes, and he got so good at it, that he learned to actually snap the knot for the lasso onto the rope mid-air. And he thought he'd turn that skill into a trick.
The magician has a card selected. This card is returned to the deck and shuffled by the spectator. After some byplay, the magician drops the cards into a paper bag, puts one end...
Many performers are called upon, at one time or another, to host a show. Now you can prepare yourself in advance, to deliver a dynamic and exciting performance. Whether it's for a talent show, a two-hour evening show, or a variety telethon in front of a TV audience, being the Master of Ceremonies can be a fun and rewarding experience - if you know what you're doing.
The authors, who have performed as emcees for magic shows, beauty pageants, fairs, outdoor festivals, in hotels, and on theatre stages for hundreds of performances, reveal all their tips and secrets in this easy-to-understand...
Two complete scripts and very simple handling for the Triumph effect, which not only fools people, but entertains them immensely. No difficult sleights, no gaffs, no problems.
Many versions of Triumph are either complicated and hard to follow, or gaffed, or even a knuckle buster.
Well, the author of How To Write A Script shows how he used his methodology to write 2 different scripts that explains and entertains with the Triumph effect, while technically putting it well within the reach of every magician. This ebook gives you every line, joke, piece of timing, setup and nuance of the routine.
The ebook...
Amusing and entertaining script on the classic 4 Bean routine. Full performance rights included.
The 4 Bean trick is a classic, but the moves and the motivation are odd and unexplained.
Well, the author of How To Write A Script shows how he used his methodology to write a funny script where you know why the trick is being done and why the handling looks the way it does. And the handling ends up being pretty simple.
This ebook gives you every line, joke, piece of timing, setup and nuance of the routine. The ebook also takes you through an overview of some of the steps of script writing and routine design...
Script(s) and full handling on a routine for finding cards with your fingertips. Plays for duos, or solo performers in parlor, stage, or even closeup. Performance video included.
Effect: The magician has 3 cards selected from a red deck. A spectator has also shuffled a blue deck. From that blue deck, the magician finds the exact same cards selected from the red deck using just his sensitive fingers.
A trick and variations on the script for:
Val Andrews sent this booklet to his customers during the 1988 Christmas season. It features stories and recollections involving Christmas and magic.
1st edition 1988, 12 pages; PDF 14 pages.
People who know comedy recommend Ken Allen's Pilfered Patter as the book to get. Don Lawton, Bill Larsen Jr., John Braun and other professional entertainers and comedy writers raved about the material in Pilfered Patter No. 1. But we didn't stop there. Introducing Pilfered Patter 1.5, the new and improved ebook of comic monologues, one- and two-liners, gags, jokes and funny stories to intersperse during or between effects in your routine.
Nothing is off limits - not even sex - which is why this ebook carries a warning that it may not be appropriate for those under 17 years of age. (There's...
An breakdown in script format and full handling on making real magic with the Vanishing Wand using the Shell. Full construction details on making your own shells included. Performance video included.
Anyone that's ever read Tarbell has run into the Shell Wand.
An exact duplicate of a wand made from paper. But, you probably have questions.
The next time you select a volunteer for one of your magic routines, why not play a quick game of chance to decide who the volunteer's going to be? Yet . . . do so with total confidence that the person you want to use in your show is always the one who wins the game.
Here are two different versions where numbered word cards are selected by various members of the audience and then read aloud in numerical order by the audience members. From experience, it is strongly suggested that you consider using both versions in the same show. Both times you use these cards the audience laughs louder...
A collection of stories of the supernatural. These are great starting points to develop your patter for bizarre or otherwise weird and scary plot lines.
PDF 58 pages
How to tie a vanishing figure 8 knot and a script that makes the process more enjoyable and entertaining.
Everyone probably knows how to vanish an overhand knot, or even a Chefalo knot. But how many know how to vanish a figure 8 knot?
How to tie a true figure 8 knot as well as the false figure 8 knot are both shown and are virtually identical. The script provided shows how it can stand on it's own, but it would also fit nicely into a routine with knots. An audience member can even help you tie the knot, and they'll be none the wiser.
Best of all, it's free.
1st edition 2018, 20 pages....