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Trio by Peter Duffie

Three off beat effects which have received the praise of laymen, magicians and reviewers.

CLEAR THOUGHT uses four blank cards. A spectator is asked to think of one of the four Queens, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds or Spades, and whilst the blank cards are in her own hands one of them changes to the mentally selected card. No questions are asked. Not to be outdone, the performer changes the other blanks into the remaining Queens.

POLYTHENE PAM is a novel version of Find The Lady. A spectator fails to find the lady which continually disappears leaving just four blank cards. At the finish all the cards become Queens.

COMPOSITE has been used by Peter for several years. Two cards are chosen, signed and torn in half. One half of each card is burned to ashes ... yet the two missing halves are found inside an envelope which has been in view throughout the performance. A stunning effect which is accomplished without any palming or sleight of hand.

You also get detailed explanations of the Elmsley Count, Hamman Count, Ascanio Spread, and Mexican Turnover.

This ebook details the effects step by step with the aid of many clear illustrations.

[Note: The original printed booklet came with the necessary special cards. This ebook comes without these cards. You will have to supply them yourself. You will need four Queens with blank backs. A double blank card. A blank face card. A double face card.]

1st edition 1985, 1st digital edition 2014, 18 pages.
word count: 4875 which is equivalent to 19 standard pages of text
