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Two Magicians and a Deck of Cards
by Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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Two Magicians and a Deck of Cards by Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini and Cameron Francis, two friends with a common passion: Card Magic. This is the type of magic that can be worked anytime, anyplace.


  • YET (Aldo Colombini): A card is selected and it is seen to be the only different colored card. It disappears and reappears face up in the middle of the deck.
  • SIMPLY AMAZING (Cameron Francis): This is a fun, off-beat four-Ace assembly.
  • FOLLOWERS (Aldo Colombini): Follow the Leader theme but the entire packet follows each time.
  • S.P.C.A. (Cameron Francis): An almost self-working small packet "card at number".
  • NUMBERED (Aldo Colombini): A selected card appears face up at a position indicated by an amount of cards cut by the spectator.
  • TUNNEL FUSION (Cameron Francis): An impromptu, great combination of the Tunnel and Fusion plots with two signed selections.
  • FALLING THROUGH (Aldo Colombini): A comedy revelation and a transposition of two cards.
  • THREE IMPOSSIBLE THINGS (Cameron Francis): A self-working prediction, divination and mind reading effect using normal cards.
  • A TRIO BAND (Aldo Colombini): A rubber band finds three selected cards.
  • IMPROBABLE VS IMPOSSIBLE (Cameron Francis): An incredible prediction effect with a stunning finale.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Cards

Magic & Mentalism / DVD (download+stream)