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Two Packs Are Better Than One
by Erivan Vazquez


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Two Packs Are Better Than One by Erivan Vazquez

You will get two wonderful effects which are almost self-working because all the things you do seem so natural and imperceptible. The effects will require almost no effort on your part. These are effects that require nothing more than a good presentation and to be able to use your sense of touch. That's it! You don't need more than that because the clever thinking behind the principles that make the effects work every time will do all the work for you and also you can use the patter given for each of the effects.

The following effects are described:

Influential Coincidence: A spectator is asked to select a card from a blue deck and then another spectator, without any effort on his part, is able to find the mate of the first spectator's card in a red deck. Just that simple!

UNexpected Divination Outdone: A pack of cards is divided into two. A spectator is asked to select a card form one of the packets and to lose it into the same packet. You try to find his card with three tries but you fail in your task. Because you were not successful in finding his card, you give your spectator the opportunity to find his card in only one try by using his beginner's luck. He finds his card with the help of the other packet which was not been used for selecting the card. The spectator W-I-L-L N-E-V-E-R F-A-I-L in finding his own card! ONE HUNDRED PERCENT GUARANTEED.

Additionally you will find in here some thoughts and insights about what card magic means to the author and some other tricks he likes to perform, which some of them he thinks are overlooked, because of their simplicity. He would like you to please kindly go through the list he compiled of a few of those effects and give them a second chance. You might even be inspired by the ideas behind them so you can create new effects, "just as I was inspired before writing this eBook" as he states.

1st edition 2015, 23 pages.
word count: 8630 which is equivalent to 34 standard pages of text