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Various Gaffed Cards


(2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

Various Gaffed Cards by

This set consists of 52 gaffed cards with Bicycle backs. The cards are listed below and can also be seen in the image to the right. They come in a white tuck box that has a small window on one side.

  • Ace of Spades with inverted black Bicycle back (2 cards)
  • Ace of Clubs with inverted yellow Bicycle back (2 cards)
  • Ace of Hearts with inverted red Bicycle back (2 cards)
  • Ace of Diamonds with inverted blue Bicycle back (2 cards)
  • King of Hearts - King of Spades horizontal split face, Ace of Clubs on the back (11 cards)
  • King of Diamonds - King of Clubs horizontal split face, Ace of Clubs on the back (11 cards)
  • 5 of Spades with all pips moved to one half of the face, regular blue Bicycle back (11 cards)
  • 5 of Spades with all pips moved to one quarter of the face, regular blue Bicycle back (11 cards)

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks

Magic & Mentalism / Cards / Gaffed