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Wayne Dobson: The Definitive Collection
by Wayne Dobson

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Wayne Dobson: The Definitive Collection by Wayne Dobson

The title says it all. A must-have for any Wayne Dobson fan. Lots of effects are explained, lots of anecdotes are told, and lots of photos are shown.

This eBook contains virtually every magic effect Wayne published up to 2011, and all have the hallmarks of Wayne's creative thinking. The methods are always simple and direct, and included amongst the selection of around 100 effects are some of the tricks that helped to establish Wayne as one of the top stage, cabaret, and TV magicians.

Much of the magic is suitable for close-up performance too, and the required props are either everyday objects or items that are easily acquired. You are bound to find several items that interest you and that you will soon want to introduce into your own shows.

The eBook also features interviews with the people who worked with Wayne throughout his career, including his charismatic manager, Leon Fisk. Wayne offers sage advice in chapters on stagecraft, management, consulting, and TV. He also offers ideas on a few illusions. There are loads of press cuttings from Wayne's illustrious career, great comments, and accolades from some of the stars of world entertainment, as well as action and press photos from Wayne's many appearances around the globe. The eBook also includes Wayne's updated life story and lots of funny anecdotes.

  • Dear God
  • Introduction
  • Foreword
  • Lance Burton
  • 52 shades of Gray
  • Anniversary Tango
  • Coinflux 2
  • Conjurer's Choice
  • Continuous Do As I Do
  • Every Time
  • Fluke
  • Guesstimation
  • Imagine
  • Jack In The Box
  • Locked
  • Lucky Dip
  • Magic spell
  • Missing Think?
  • Perspiration
  • Point Blank
  • Possessions
  • Rainbow
  • Ringflash 2
  • Sealed
  • Some You Win...some You Lose
  • Startling
  • Sweet
  • Mac King
  • Switch
  • Tax
  • The Winning Hand
  • TLC
  • TNT
  • Unique Prediction
  • Vision
  • Webmaster
  • Word
  • X-Change
  • Leon Fisk
  • George Savva
  • The Las Vegas Experience
  • Best Friends
  • Birthday Card
  • Card Trick
  • Cash Back
  • Compatibility
  • Lucky Card
  • McDobson's Aces
  • On The Button
  • Out of My Hands
  • Perfect Order
  • Second Chance
  • Sharpie 2
  • Signature Trick
  • The F#ck Trick
  • Wayne's TV Career
  • The Consultants
  • Farewell To A Friend
  • The Crew
  • The PA
  • The Head
  • The Writer
  • The Producer
  • Thread of Life
  • The Assistant
  • A Word From Linda Lusardi
  • Notebook
  • On The Case
  • Room Service
  • Chews A Gum
  • Clear Escape
  • Cut and Restored Microphone Wire
  • Vanishing Glass
  • Violin
  • Vanishing Radio
  • Phil Dobson
  • Roy Johnson
  • ACAAN... Almost
  • Frank Bruno
  • Duplicate
  • Charlie Frye
  • Identity
  • Invisible Lie Detector
  • Lucky Numbers
  • Spell Check
  • Think As I Think
  • David Regal
  • Wayneman
  • Joe Pasquale
  • Star Struck
  • Stagecraft
  • 4seen
  • Gregory Wilson
  • Five Card Repeat
  • An Englishman In New York
  • Paul Zerdin
  • Banana-Drama
  • Bottle Opener
  • Chews A Card
  • Echo
  • Hanky Poo
  • Invisible Deck
  • Invisible 2
  • Nailed
  • Oddball
  • Ping & Pong
  • Sam Shovel
  • Silk In Cigarette Pack
  • The Crying Game
  • The Kid's A Magician
  • The unnamed Card
  • Tossed out Deck
  • White Lies
  • Zipperred
  • David Williamson
  • He Who spelt It, Dealt It
  • Amnesia
  • Chameleon Deck
  • Jeff Hobson
  • I've Got Your Number
  • Luma
  • Man Eaters
  • Mental All Backs
  • No Joke
  • Only Joking
  • Open
  • Scorched
  • Stunning
  • Synchronicity
  • White Poker
  • Danny Buckler
  • Peter Nardi
  • The Demonstrator
  • The Successor
  • Mark Mason
  • My MS & Other Stuff
  • The Star
  • The Letter
  • Caught In A Trap!
  • The Nightmare Gig
  • Inspirations
  • Dedication

1st edition 2014, PDF 431 pages.
word count: 133728 which is equivalent to 534 standard pages of text

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