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Where's my Dove?
by Graham Hey


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Where's my Dove? by Graham Hey

A hilarious effect and routine for anyone who does any kind of stand-up - from friends to comedy clubs to cruise ships. A fantastic, self-working method makes this effect the perfect trick for all occasions. And you don't need anyone on stage to help you.

Tell your audience they could win several amazing prizes - including a diamond worth $1million! Five colored ropes are hanging out of a gift bag. Inside the bag, Derek the Dove is tied to one of the ropes. The audience has four guesses, but each time, their selected rope is removed and there's no sign of Derek. The final rope is removed and it's the one that Derek is tied to. The magician win's all the prizes, every time. No sleights or skill, completely self-working.

You'll need to make the gimmicks but you may already have most of the bits you need.

1st edition 2022, PDF 6 pages.
word count: 2048 which is equivalent to 8 standard pages of text