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William B. Rugh

Life Member and Order of Merlin Shield member of the I.B.M. Past President of Ring 68, Toledo, OH. Life Member of the S.A.M. and current President and Treasurer of Assembly 105, Toledo, OH. MMC of the Magic Circle, London. Former member of the Círculo Brasileiro De Ilusionismo in Rio de Janeiro. Member of the International Magicians Society (IMS). Former member of The Magic Collector’s Association (MCA). Partner in Toledo Magic LLC - foremrly a brick and mortar shop, but now an online service for local magicians. (As such we were members of the Magic Dealer’s Association (MDA).


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★★★★ $5
William B. Rugh
A Comparison of the Gravatt and Hugard Encyclopedias of Card Magic by William B. Rugh

This work compares the contents of Jean Hugard's Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, Encyclopedia of Self-Working Card Tricks, and The Second Encyclopedia of Card Tricks by Glenn G. Gravatt, to see which effects and discussions were kept, altered, or deleted by Hugard. It will also identify those effects added by Hugard.

1st edition 2020, PDF 19 pages.