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Wizard (Selbit) Volume 1 (September 1905 - August 1906)
by P. T. Selbit

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Wizard (Selbit) Volume 1 (September 1905 - August 1906) by P. T. Selbit
This product is also part of:
  1. The Wizard - Volume I, Number 1 - September, 1905 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Poster for Maskelyne & Devant's Mascot Moth
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. Introduction
  6. Gossip
  7. Maskelyne & Devant's Mysteries
  8. A Card and Egg Trick
  9. Editorial
  10. Practical Prestigiation
    • The Incubator Canister
  11. note - Maskelyne & Devant in the "Topical Times"
  12. The Magic Circle
  13. Professional Announcements
  14. In London City
  15. Correspondence
  16. Scissors and Paste
  17. The Funny Electric Pencil - Ornum's advertisement
  18. Conjuring - Past and Present
  19. Pars. From the Provinces
  20. A North British Magician's Wooing - humor
  21. Harry Whiteley advertisement
  22. Ornum's advertisement

  1. The Wizard - Volume I, Number 2 - October, 1905 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Woodcut of J. H. Maskelyne
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. Success
  6. Gossip
  7. Pocket Tricks for Amateurs - Chas. O. Williams
  8. The Wizard's Woven Web - effect
  9. The Magic Circle
  10. An Interesting History
  11. The Sphinx - advertisement
  12. Editorial
  13. Correspondence
  14. Practical Prestigiation
    • Fishes of Darkness
  15. Conjuring with Signatures - effect
  16. Our Special commissioner - Interviews a Genius
  17. Pars. From the Provinces
  18. Maskelyne & Devant's Mysteries
  19. The Funny Electric Pencil - Ornum's advertisement
  20. Conversations - Horace Goldin
  21. In London city
  22. A Drawing Room Card Trick
  23. Singing Sorcerers
  24. Motion Photo Notes
  25. Advertisements

  1. The Wizard - Volume I, Number 3 - November, 1905 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Lafayette
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. The Funny Electric Pencil - Ornum's advertisement
  6. Gossip
  7. Pocket Tricks for Amateurs - Chas. O. Williams
  8. Some Pew Spirit Cricks
  9. Current Programmes - No. 1
    • L'Homme Masqué - Grand Séance of Wonders
  10. The Ethics of Private Entertaining - A Chat with Ernest Webster
  11. Editorial
  12. Purloined Problems - A Bold Pincher
  13. The Magic Circle
  14. A Prosy Problem
    • The Astral Card
  15. The "Wizard" Match-box - effect
  16. Correspondence
  17. "Impromptu" Shadow Screen - effect
  18. Cornelius - The Tale of a Converted Rabbit
  19. The Sphinx - advertisement
  20. Malini the Magician
  21. Advertisements

  1. The Wizard - Volume I, Number 4 - December, 1905 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Dr. Byrd-Page
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. The Funny Electric Pencil - Ornum's advertisement
  6. Gossip
  7. Not at the wizard Offices - humor
  8. Pocket Tricks for Amateurs - Charles O. Williams
  9. Scissors & Paste
    • Mysteries of Magic
    • Perjury Through Hypnotism
  10. Slade's Slate Writing
  11. Editorial
  12. Practical Prestigiation
    1. A Glass of Many Virtues
    2. The Black Art Chair
    3. Tumbler Tricks
  13. Correspondence
  14. Provincial Pars.
  15. The Contents of an Envelope - effect
  16. British Magical Society
  17. Cinematography
  18. The Magic Circle
  19. Advertisements

  1. The Wizard - Volume I, Number 5 - January, 1906 - 20 pages
  2. Cover - The Late M. Verbeck
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. Happy New Year
  6. Gossip
  7. Houdini "Picks" a Quarrel
  8. A Handkerchief "Gripper"
  9. Scissors & Paste
    • Sleight of Hand Frauds
    • A Sorcerer's Stock in Trade
  10. Practical Prestigiation
    • The Cone of Witchery
  11. The Magic Circle
  12. Tricks of the Trade - Arnold Golsworthy
  13. The Magical Entertainer - Selbit - advertisement
  14. Tricks of the Trade - Arnold Golsworthy - continued
  15. What's in A Name?
  16. The Lighter Side
  17. Photographic Supplement - Personal Points on Popular People
    1. J. N. Maskelyne
    2. David Devant
    3. Max Sterling
    4. John Warren
    5. Dr. Boyd-Page
    6. Joad Heteb
    7. Frederick Culpitt
    8. C. Laurent
    9. H. Donn
    10. Bradley Alexander
    11. Oswald Williams
    12. Charles Conyers
    13. Sidney Fielder
    14. James Taylor
    15. H. Verlini
    16. Maurice Victor
    17. George McKenzie Munro
    18. Herbert J. Collings
    19. G. Davison
    20. Arthur Margery
    21. Nelson Thorne
  18. A Difficult Melody
  19. Forthcoming Features
  20. Advertisements

  1. The Wizard - Volume I, Number 6 - February, 1906 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Louis Nikola
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. The Wizard Appointed Official Organ of the Magic circle
  6. Gossip
  7. A Watch that Goes Without Winding - W. F. Gilbert - effect
  8. The Magic Circle
  9. The Egyptian Hal
  10. Medrington's Column - Charles Medrington
    • A New Trick for the Card Boxes
  11. Practical Prestigiation
    • Chinese Coloring
  12. Correspondence
  13. Death of Fred Harcourt
  14. Blumenfeld shot dead on stage
  15. The Conjurer's Harvest
  16. The Flying Ring - Maurice Victor
  17. The Magical Entertainer - Selbit - advertisement
  18. Forthcoming Features
  19. Advertisements

  1. The Wizard - Volume I, Number 7 - March, 1906 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Harry Whitely
  3. Notices
  4. Forthcoming Features
  5. Gossip
  6. The Wizard Opera Hat - "Sphinxite"
  7. Magic in Australia
  8. The Wizard's Fish Kettle - Howard Marshall - effect
  9. The Magic Salad - humor
  10. Practical Prestigiation
    • Civil Coin & the Seville Orange - E. cooper
  11. Imitation but no flattery - humor
  12. Medrington's Column - Charles Medrington
    • Magic in Egypt
  13. A Sequel to "The Wizard's Match Box" - effect
  14. An Addition to the "Pass" - F. W. Perry
  15. To Vanish a Cannon Ball - George Cristo - effect
  16. A Wonderful Conjurer [Pirnetti [sic]]
    • Whose Exploits Mystified a Tsar
  17. The Magic Circle
  18. Correspondence
  19. The Magical Entertainer - Selbit - advertisement
  20. Forthcoming Features
  21. Advertisements

  1. The Wizard - Volume I, Number 8 - April, 1906 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Owen Clark
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. Gossip
  6. An Accessory for Gripping a collapsible Walking Stick - Hubert L. Lea
  7. "The Demon Chef" by Piccitt
  8. Conjuring in Holy Russia - Translated by W. Wood de Gruchy
  9. How I Performed Silent Thought Transmission - E. Cooper
  10. Novelties - More of Less - Sphinxette
  11. Practical Prestigiation
    • The Confetti Bowls Trick - Shpinxette
  12. Correspondence
  13. Editorial
  14. Medrington's Column - Charles Medrington
    • A Pretty Ball Sleight
  15. A "Deceptive" Entrance
  16. The Tale of an Egg Trick - Charles O. Williams
  17. re: Albert Chevalier, singer, accompanied by magic
  18. The Magic Circle
  19. Boston (U.S.A.) Brieflets - W. D. Leroy
  20. Scissors & Paste
    • Worn-Out Mediums
    • Maskelyne's First "Tenner"
  21. The Magical Entertainer - Selbit - advertisement
  22. Forthcoming Features
  23. Advertisements

  1. The Wizard - Volume I, Number 9 - May, 1906 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - The New Page from Maskelyne & Devant
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. Gossip
  6. An Addition to the Rice Bowl Trick - Ilsa Becq
  7. Improvement for Diminishing Card Trick - Julian Wylie
  8. Don't I Go? - cartoon
  9. Recollections of Hartz by Professor Hoffmann
  10. re: Nathan Dean, lightning artist
  11. The Magic Circle
    1. Grand Séance of Mystery
    2. A Carnival of Conjurers - drawing by Nathan Dean
  12. What the Press Said - re: The Magic Circle Show
  13. Here? Where? There!! - A New Illusion - Ilsa Becq
  14. Hengler's Circus turns to magic
  15. Advertisements
  16. The Magical Entertainer - Selbit - advertisement
  17. Advertisements

  1. The Wizard - Volume I, Number 10 - June, 1906 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Professor Hoffmann
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. Gossip
  6. Torn Card and Cigarette Trick - AN Improved Changing Device - Phillip Leyard
  7. Houdini's Box Trick - Translated by W. Wood de Gruchy
  8. Recollections of Hartz by Professor Hoffmann - continued
  9. A New Human Levitation
  10. The Magic Circle
  11. The Mesmerised Hat - Edgar
  12. Production of Flowers from a Fan
  13. Le Roy, Talma and Bosco
    • The Magic Angle at the Alhambra
  14. Magic at Martinka's
  15. "The Old and the New Magic" by Henry Ridgeley Evans - book review
  16. Carl Hertz in San Francisco
  17. Pity the Assistant - from "The Tribune" of London
  18. Magical Ventriloquism
  19. Forthcoming Features
  20. Back Number Features
  21. Advertisements
  22. The Magical Entertainer - Selbit - advertisement
  23. Advertisements

  1. The Wizard - Volume I, Number 11 - July, 1906 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - The Problem of Diogenes
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. Gossip
  6. Marriage of a "Wizard" - E. A. Maskelyne to Cassie Bruce
  7. joke
  8. A New Tambourine Load
  9. The Magic Circle
  10. Recollections of Hartz by Professor Hoffmann - continued
  11. Retorts - humor
  12. Monday's Rehearsal
  13. The Fairy Writing Rising Cards - E. Cooper
  14. Correspondence
  15. Medrington's Column - Charles Medrington
    • The Aces and Tens and the Magic Stand
  16. Red Indian Magic - Miracles Performed Without Preparation - Buffalo Bill's Story
  17. "The Shrine of Istar" - new illusion review
  18. Keeping Secrets for a Living - A Chat With an illusionist's Assistant
  19. Back Number Features
  20. Advertisements
  21. Forthcoming Features
  22. Advertisements

  1. The Wizard - Volume I, Number 12 - August, 1906 - 16 pages
  2. Cover - Heriot
  3. Hambley's advertisement
  4. Notices
  5. Gossip
  6. The "Scandalous" Card - Hubert L. Lea
  7. The Wizard's Enchanted Bowl - T. H. Halsall, Junior
  8. De Biere "Challenged"
  9. Hartz and His Hat Trick - Professor Hoffmann
  10. Two Curious Experiments - E. Cooper
  11. An Original Version of the Paper Ribbon Trick - Oswald Williams
  12. A Black Art Handkerchief Producer
  13. jokes
  14. Correspondence
    1. South African Postal 'Reforms'
    2. "Balloons From Hat"
  15. How to Become a Handcuff King - The Great Delkano
  16. jokes
  17. The Inseparable Postage Stamps - E. Cooper - effect
  18. The Magic Circle
  19. re: Arthur Prince, ventriloquist
  20. The Wizard's First Birthday
  21. Forthcoming Features
  22. Advertisements

PDF 196 pages.
word count: 127709 which is equivalent to 510 standard pages of text