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You Must Be Joking by Devin Knight

Important: These are not directions for making this trick yourself. These are the directions that came with this trick, when it was on the market in the early 2000s. This PDF is for collectors who may have the prop, but no directions, magic historians, and those simply curious as to how this trick was done. The trick still shows up on eBay, magic flea markets and auctions. This was released in both jumbo and poker size cards. These directions apply to either version.

Effect: Performer shows a folded prediction and gives it to someone to hold. Next, he introduces a deck of jumbo playing cards and has one selected. He even gives the person a chance to change his mind. Once a card is settled on, it is revealed to be, say, the 4 of Clubs. The magician triumphantly smiles, and has the prediction opened. When the prediction is opened and read aloud it says: YOU WILL NOT SELECT A JOKER

After the laughter subsides, the performer says, "I thought you'd be more impressed."

He turns the faces of the cards toward the audience and spreads them from hand to hand revealing ALL THE CARDS TO BE JOKERS. This surprise ending never fails to get laughter and good applause. All in all, you will find this to be one of the most commercial card tricks available.

1st edition 2016, 3 pages.
word count: 898 which is equivalent to 3 standard pages of text