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You Too Are A Card Magician
by Fred Roner

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You Too Are A Card Magician by Fred Roner

A collection of really nice card tricks that require no sleight-of-hand. Additionally, you will get an informative biographical sketch of Fred Roner written by Richard Hatch.

  • Fred Roner: Card Conjurer, Stage Pickpocket, Painter
  • You have bought this book!
  • The Press and I
  • Guessing of Cards
  • No Title?
  • With dice and matches
  • The three righteous
  • Which card is missing?
  • I knew it!
  • Vanished?

1st German edition 1929, 1st English translation 2022; PDF 20 pages.
word count: 5614 which is equivalent to 22 standard pages of text

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