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Fred Roner

Fred Roner

(Vienna, Austria: 9th March 1905 - New York, US: 14th December 1993)

Fred Roner, born Alfred Rosner in Vienna, was a professional card magician, who later performed a stage pickpocket act, and eventually became a painter. He was particularly known and lauded for his comedic style of card magic. His highlight as a stage pickpocket was to steal the watch of J. Edgar Hoover, the former director of the FBI. Most likely Roner got his start in pickpocketing from Walter Sealtiel, originally a Berlin card magician who gained success with one of the earliest stage pickpockets acts, who settled in The Netherlands, a country Roner spent a good amount of time in after his Jewish background did not afford him performance opportunities in Austria and Germany.

He was the inventor of the card-to-ballon effect which he created for his nightclub act, but Hamburg dealer Janos Bartl quickly sold an unlicensed version. Jerry Andrus included a move by Roner, called the Roner Change, in his Andrus Deals you In, which was later re-invented by Harry Lorayne.

(For more details on Roner see Richard Hatch's biographical article in You Too Are A Card Magician.)

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★★★★ $10
Fred Roner
You Too Are A Card Magician by Fred Roner

A collection of really nice card tricks that require no sleight-of-hand. Additionally, you will get an informative biographical sketch of Fred Roner written by Richard Hatch.

  • Fred Roner: Card Conjurer, Stage Pickpocket, Painter
  • You have bought this book!
  • The Press and I
  • Guessing of Cards
  • No Title?
  • With dice and matches
  • The three righteous
  • Which card is missing?
  • I knew it!
  • Vanished?

1st German edition 1929, 1st English translation 2022; PDF 20 pages.

Fred Roner
Auch Sie Sind Kartenkünstler! by Fred Roner

Eine Sammlung von netten Kartenkunststücken des erfolgreichen Wiener Zauberkünstler's Fred Roner. Inkludiert ist ein äußerst interessanter biographischer Artikel über Roner von Richard Hatch.

  • Fred Roner: Kartenkünstler, Bühnentaschendieb, Maler (Richard Hatch)
  • Sie haben dieses Buch gekauft!
  • Die Presse und ich.
  • Kartenraten.
  • Kein Titel?
  • Mit Würfeln und Zündhölzern.
  • Die drei Gerechten.
  • Welche Karte fehlt? (2 Methoden)
  • Ich hab’s ja gewußt!
  • Verschwunden?

Erstausgabe 1929, 16 Seiten; PDF 20 Seiten.

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