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Projects & Circuits in miniTesla: build electronics and more

Here you will find all kinds of project ideas and electronic circuits to build.

Note, that not every publication offered here was written directly for the miniTesla system. However, that should not be a hindrance to building the various circuits. MiniTesla is a general-purpose development system that allows you to build pretty much anything you like.

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Burkhard Kainka
RPi Pico Test Lab and PicoBasic by Burkhard Kainka

The Rpi Pico Test Lab explains how to turn a regular Raspberry Pi Pico into a complete testing and measuring environment including measuring devices, plotters and oscilloscopes as well as control over eight digital inputs and outputs, three analog inputs and two PWM outputs for power control or for providing adjustable DC voltages.

One of the problems for somebody who would like to get into electronics is purchasing all the necessary testing equipment such as a multimeter, oscilloscope, function generator, variable power supply, component testers, etc. This starts to get expensive. This...

Burkhard Kainka & Chris Wasshuber
Experiments with miniTesla by Burkhard Kainka & Chris Wasshuber

These are the instructions for the Starter Kit. Each Starter Kit already includes a printed copy. This ebook edition is meant for those who want to source components independently or merely want to see the circuits.

  • The miniTesla System
  • Components
    • Resistors and Capacitors
    • Potentiometer
    • IC Socket
  • 1. Operational Amplifier
    • 1.1 First Test
    • 1.2 Touch Sensor
    • 1.3 Run-on Control
    • 1.4 Flashlight
    • 1.5 Adjustable Flash Length
    • 1.6 Light Sensor
    • 1.7 Time Delay
    • 1.8 Push-Pull Light Sensor
    • 1.9 Brightness Comparison
    • 1.10 Twilight Switch
    • 1.11 Temperature Sensor
    • 1.12 Temperature Comparison
    • 1.13 LED...
Burkhard Kainka & Chris Wasshuber
Experimente mit miniTesla (German) by Burkhard Kainka & Chris Wasshuber

Das ist die deutsche Anleitung zum Starter Kit mit allen 47 Schaltungen und Aufbauzeichnungen. Diese Ausgabe ist für diejenigen gedacht die sich selber die notwendigen Bauteile besorgen bzw. nur die Schaltungen sehen wollen.

  • Das miniTesla System
  • Bauteile
  • Widerstände und Kondensatoren
  • Potentiometer
  • IC Sockel
  • 1. Operationsverstärker
    • 1.1 Erster Test
    • 1.2 Berührungssensor
    • 1.3 Nachlaufsteuerung
    • 1.4 Blitzlicht
    • 1.5 Einstellbare Blitzlänge
    • 1.6 Lichtsensor
    • 1.7 Zeitverzögerung
    • 1.8 Gegentakt-Lichtsensor
    • 1.9 Helligkeitsvergleich
    • 1.10 Dämmerungsschalter
    • 1.11 Temperatursensor
    • 1.12 Temperaturvergleich ...
Julio Caso de los Cobos Fidalgo
Magic with Electronics by Julio Caso de los Cobos Fidalgo

This ebook is for all who would like to combine magic and electronics but have little experience with electronics and have no idea what the possibilities are. The author explains a range of projects that will give you an overview of some of the magic effects achievable with electronics.

The first project has nothing to do with electronics but it will teach you how to write software, an app for your mobile phone. It is a very simple app, and it will not make you a programmer, but it allows you to get your feet wet and get a glimpse at the possibilities of apps.

You will then be introduced...

E. W. Bud Morris
More Magic with Electronics by E. W. Bud Morris
  • "S.O.S." Triangle
  • Dance Of Death
  • How's Your Bird?
  • The Tattle-Tale Heart
  • Return To Boggart’s Inn
  • The Laughing Skull
  • Train To Nowhere
  • A.K. Cassette - Improved
  • Electronics In Mentalism
  • Source Section
  • Final After-Thoughts

Note that this digital edition does not include the reprint of the first volume. The first volume is available separately here.

1st edition 1975, 59 pages; PDF 54 pages.

Georg Stark
Magie und Elektronik by Georg Stark

Elektronische Zauberkunststücke aus den Bereichen Mikro-, Salon- und Mentalmagie.

  • Zauberstab mit Glühzünder
  • Die Stanleykassette
  • Die Edison-Box
  • Salzstreuer mit Musik
  • Pirouett
  • Mein Karten-Roboter
  • Tuch durch Kerzenflamme
  • Vom Devano- zum Förderband-Kartensteiger
  • Gedankenübertragung mit Disco-Antenne
  • Elektronischer Würfel
  • Riesenpointkarten Mental
  • Lügendetektor

Erstausgabe 1986, 31 Seiten; PDF 33 Seiten.

Burkhard Kainka
150 Best Circuits by Burkhard Kainka

150 very useful circuits that have stood the test of time, grouped under 32 application topics.

Burkhard Kainka has for decades developed and designed electronic circuits and projects for Franzis, Elektor, Kosmos, and Modul-Bus. Some of these circuits have stood the test of time and Kainka is returning and using them again and again. 150 of these best and most useful electronic circuits are collected in this ebook.

The focus is on circuit technology with discrete semiconductors and common standard ICs such as operational amplifiers and the NE555 timer chips. The areas of radio technology...

Burkhard Kainka
Side-Effects of Electronics by Burkhard Kainka

Exploiting little-known characteristics of electronic components.

Did you know that an LED can also work as a light sensor or solar cell? That a photodiode can also detect radioactivity? That you can build a microphone from sugar? That a capacitor can 'magically' re-charge itself after it has been fully discharged?

Kainka explains these and other strange and uncommon characteristics of electronic components. Everything is explained in a hands-on style with photos, circuit schematics, measurement results, and explanations of how these phenomena come about and manifest themselves.


Herbert-Martin Paufler
Magie Magnete Motoren by Herbert-Martin Paufler

Paufler, von Beruf Ingenieur, war ein Meister der szenischen Mikromagie. Er war einer der Ersten die Elektronik in die Methodik der Zauberkunst einfließen ließen. Diese Publikation ist daher eine der wenigen Zauberpublikationen in denen man elektronische Schaltungsdiagramme findet. Für den Elektronikbegeisternden ist es eine wahre Schatztruhe.

Auszug aus dem Vorwort von Hans Marian:

Dieses Buch ist magisches Neuland! Sein Wert wird wahrscheinlich erst nach Jahren oder gar Jahrzehnten voll erkannt und gewürdigt werden, denn es eilt mit seinen genialen Grundideen der Zeit weit voraus....

★★★★ $7
E. W. Bud Morris
Magic with Electronics by E. W. Bud Morris

Bud Morris had a creative mind. In this collection of effects he demonstrates how a bit of electronics allows you to perform miracles and entertain your audience.

  • Bud Morris … Who's He?
  • The Brain Wave Lamp
  • Oriental Caddy
  • Way Out-Er Limits
  • E.S.P. And The Joker Is Wild!
  • Mystic Black Ball
  • Remote Control Table
  • The Wheel Of Thought
  • Skull-Duggery
  • Electronic Equipment
1st edition 1973, 17 pages; PDF 27 pages.
Dave Arch
Electronic Buzz Box by Dave Arch

Although you can find versions of these Electronic Monte boxes for sale on magic websites, I could not find one large enough for my needs nor one that included a buzzer (not just a light). So I built my own. In spite of the fact that my electronic knowledge only involves the ability to insert a plug into an outlet, I built my own the first time in under an hour for around $20.

The premise is simple. From among multiple buttons, you win if you can find the button that lights the light and sets off the buzzer. With the diagram included in my instructions you aren't limited to only three buttons...

Claude Klingsor
Miracles of Modern Magic by Claude Klingsor

For me personally these lecture notes have been a real treat - something I enjoyed tremendously reading and getting my creative juices flowing. This is an ebook on enabling miracles with electronics. Magicians have always used the latest technology to create their wonders. Claude Klingsor from Belgium has specialized in using electronics to create miracles.

This is a magic ebook for engineers, inventors and tinkerers. The fact that these notes were written in the late 80s means that you won't find any microcontrollers, but that is also the charm of this ebook. The circuits are very easy to...

Displaying 1 to 12 (of 12 products)