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20th Century Mindreading
by W. G. Magnuson


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20th Century Mindreading by W. G. Magnuson

20th Century Mindreading is a classic and is considered to be one of the best things that G. W. Magnuson ever released. It is the Holy Grail when it comes to cold-readings. It contains the Alain DeLysle cold reading spiel which many mentalists consider the best cold reading ever written.

The DeLysle reading is brilliantly conceived and will hit 99 out of a 100 sitters. When you first read it, you will think someone has written a detailed life history of you! It's that good. This is considered a full-blown reading and goes from cradle to grave.

All you have to do is read it over a few times and memorize it and you will find this can be applied to most anyone you meet. They will be amazed at your incredible insight into their life, yet this reading will apply to almost anyone who hears it.

Magnuson also gives the reader many inside tips on how to be a better private reader. This spiel and tips was released by Magnuson with full permission of Alain DeLysle and credited to him. In later years, Robert Nelson Enterprises released some of the information without permission of DeLysle or credit to him. This release has been updated with typos corrected and more up-to-date language for today's audiences.

1st edition 2018, 8 pages.
word count: 2492 which is equivalent to 9 standard pages of text