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The 59 Second Birthday Divination
by Unknown Mentalist

#2 Mentalism & Spiritism author

(2 reviews, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★★

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The 59 Second Birthday Divination by Unknown Mentalist

This includes physical product, a poker size gimmick, which will be shipped to you. The PDF can be instantly downloaded from your digital shelf.

True, there are many star sign divination methods on the market. But very few exact birthday divinations. There are quite a few by this same author like Zodiak Gods, Birthday Calendar, Elemental, Elemental 2, Signature, Star Signature etc.

The 59 Second Birthday Divination is a unique combination of classic methods which is constructed in such a way that divining the exact date of birthday becomes a breeze for the performer and yet strikes the participant like a bolt from the blue. The special poker size gimmick (included) reduces memory work to the barest minimum, adds mystique to your presentation, helps in misdirection, can be easily carried in your pocket or wallet and is built sturdy to last you a long time.

The participant never utters nor writes down either her birth sign or birth month or birth date. You just ask her a couple questions related to different 'realms' and 'elements'. And you are able to divine her exact date of birth in under 59 seconds. Of course, you can stretch this if you want depending on your presentation and script.

There are no sleights, no preshow and no stooges. There are no peeks or imp devices and no centre tears. No dual reality or instant stooges. No progressive or branching anagrams. The gimmick is fully examinable before, during and after the performance. The routine is instantly repeatable to another participant. In fact, this can be performed simultaneously to multiple participants (with sufficient practice, of course) for a stunning impact.

A small gimmick indeed but with the power to achieve a big impact.

1st edition 2018, 10 pages.

Reviewed by David Burmeister (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 02 September, 2018

This is another GREAT effect by THE UNKNOWN MENTALIST. You can definitely divine any birthdate with this effect. You can use the prompter on the card to get the birthdate but I prefer memorizing the information and hardly ever touching the card. I think it was Lee Earle who said in one of his SYZYGY volumes said that a prompter list is fine but memorization is better! It is because the mentalist doesn't have to hardly touch the card and still have all the information needed. I thought about putting the card in a small Manilla envelope and taking it out and handing it to the spectator and leaving the envelope near the spectator and stepping back away from them. Then after I get the information I need have the spectator place the card back in the envelope and hand it to me. Then I immediately place the envelope away and then reveal all the information back to them.

By the way here's a tip for you. If you place any of the cards in a baseball protector sleeve, (clear acrylic plastic sleeve) the card will last longer, the only thing it may make the card a bit bigger because of the sleeve and then won't fit in your wallet but you can still place it in your pocket or small case etc.


I give this my highest recommendation. Well done UNKNOWN MENTALIST.

Reviewed by Michael Lyth (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 12 July, 2018

Carry in your wallet for this on the move working effect guaranteed to amaze.

This product is listed under the following topics:

Magic & Mentalism / Mentalism & Spiritism / Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday

Magic & Mentalism / Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks