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A Kid's Lie Detector Routine
by Dave Arch

#3 Paper & Paper Money author

(2 reviews, 2 customer ratings) ★★★★

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A Kid's Lie Detector Routine by Dave Arch

With only a wireless doorbell, a stenographer's pad, and the routine you'll find here, your audiences will now get to enjoy listening in on your conversation with a child as you ask them a series of questions while they're supposedly holding a lie detector between their hands.

Please note that the way this is currently routined it is not a magic trick per se but rather an interlude that might be used to test your volunteer before using him/her in a magic trick.

And from a performer's point of view, here's what I believe to be the best part. This three to five minute routine requires NO memorization as you'll be reading your questions right off the open stenographer's pad.

1st edition 2018, 2 pages.
word count: 576 which is equivalent to 2 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Matthew Arnold (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Saturday 06 October, 2018

Must agree with the first review that this is "nothing spread thin." If you are interested in putting together a "lie detector" routine, you should check out "LIAR: The Ultimate Comedy Lie Detector Routine" by Robert Baxt.

Baxt's DVD delivers the goods. You get DIY instructions for making up a number of variations on the prop for different types of shows/audiences as well as footage of multiple performances, and a PDF file that's six times longer (23 pages) with bits and lines and suggestions for routines, etc. Baxt's DVD also goes into the history of the "lie detector" bit and shows how it has been used in comedy outside of magic. All this PLUS the gimmick. If you're seriously interested in actually performing the routine, you owe it to yourself check it out.

Reviewed by Greg Phillips (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Thursday 04 October, 2018

Save your money. There is absolutely NOTHING here. Only 2 pages. 1 page description of the device used. 1 page of sample questions. NOTHING NEW, Earth shaking or unique for those who have used/researched Lie Detectors. Wish I could get my $4 back.